From pretty much the moment that Horizon Zero Dawn was first released, Guerrilla Games’ intention to build a sprawling sci-fi universe has been clear for all to see. It’s no surprise then that the studio’s follow-up installment on PS4 and PS5 takes the foundations that were established back in 2017 and adds even more layers into the mix. What is remarkable to see, though, is the extra love that certain parts of the original game have still gotten in Horizon Forbidden West.

One character that stands out in particular, is Aloy’s loyal companion Varl. Having already played a significant role at times throughout Zero Dawn’s campaign, the Nora Brave is arguably even more integral to Horizon Forbidden West’s story. While the journey that players get to see him undertake is deeply gratifying at times, Guerrilla Games has accidentally undercut the hero. One key oversight on the studio’s part means it hasn’t quite nailed Varl’s story as confidently as it could have.

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Varl’s Role in Forbidden West

Horizon Forbidden West companions

Right from the outset of Horizon Forbidden West, it’s obvious just how much Varl is going to feature throughout the sequel. As Aloy and the player are getting reacquainted with Guerrilla Games’ post-apocalyptic open-world, the Nora Brave is there to help both parties process what’s happening. As a welcome familiar face, Varl provides vital context and information through his curious nature within the opening hours and locations. Despite Aloy’s best attempts to ditch him on several occasions, even these encounters serve as important character building moments for both heroes.

Varl’s role in Horizon Forbidden West isn't limited to just a world building context, though. Unlike other returning characters from the original Zero Dawn that cameo in the game’s opening hours, Varl’s presence is designed to build toward something more meaningful. When Aloy eventually gains access to the Base, and starts to recruit a team to help her build a backup of GAIA, Varl is one of the first to volunteer himself to her cause. From this footing he quickly establishes himself as not only the heart and soul of the group, but also the one most likely to bring the assorted personalities together.

Even though Varl doesn’t get his own chain of side-quests, like newcomers such as Kotallo or Alva, his own personal story is still one of the most fulfilling in the whole of Horizon Forbidden West. Seizing the opportunities that GAIA and her knowledge represent, Varl learns and grows as a human being, much like the Zero Dawn project originally envisioned the tribes of the world doing. While he remains a loyal confidant to Aloy throughout her mission, Varl manages to break the mold most of the other cast members find themselves in by forging a romantic relationship with Zo.

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Varl’s Sacrifice


As the closing chapters of Horizon Forbidden West come into view, Varl’s role within the game arguably takes an even more significant twist. Having fought so hard to keep the group together and heading in the right direction, the Nora Brave makes the ultimate sacrifice whilst attempting to save Beta from her Far Zenith pursuers. Considering his personality, and the fact that he was the only character who truly connected with Elisabet Sobeck’s second clone, it’s unsurprising that Varl doesn’t back down despite the overwhelming odds stacked against him.

Thanks in-part to how gratifying his journey is within Forbidden West up until this point, Varl’s death at the hands of Erik naturally hits hard. It’s perhaps a testament to Guerrilla Games and the hero it’s helped create that his absence is damaging to Aloy and the other members of the Base. From a narrative perspective, though, Varl’s passing mirrors Rost’s own sacrifice at the start of Horizon Zero Dawn in a number of curious ways. While the young Nora is never physically seen on-screen again, his presence is still felt thanks to the motivation his murder provides the others. On some level, Varl's passing also underlines that no character is truly safe.

For the rest of Horizon Forbidden West, Aloy’s mission to stop the Far Zenith is fueled by her desire to not only avenge Varl’s passing, but also to live up to his example. It’s worth pointing out that some fans are understandably upset with Guerrilla Games’ decision to kill off the character at the peak of his life, for this reason. Thanks to some noticeable lines of dialogue that foreshadow his death, some have argued that Varl’s character arc was solely in servitude to Aloy's own growth. In either eventuality, Varl’s story is still a poignant and powerful one that has clearly resonated with a lot of people who have experienced it.

Guerrilla’s Varl Oversight


Thanks to several small details, it’s clear that Guerrilla Games has put some serious thought into Varl’s character arc. Even after he’s left the action for example, somber moments like Aloy and Zo’s remembrance ceremony are touching to see play out. It’s due to the fact that the studio has nailed this aspect of Varl’s story that one of its rare oversights inadvertently prevents it from reaching the peaks that it could have. As Horizon Forbidden West reminds players of on a regular basis, the problem is that Varl has a family waiting for him back within the Nora Sacred Lands.

During Horizon Zero Dawn, Guerrilla Games put some significant effort into establishing the hierarchy of the Nora tribe. Sona, Varl’s mother, was an integral part of this process thanks to her status as the tribe’s War-Chief. Over the course of several missions, the player and Aloy were even charged with tracking down her daughter’s murderers. The fact that Varl’s surviving family members are currently unaware of his passing, and no character seems eager to tell them, seems like a strange oversight on the studio’s part. So much so that thematically it ends up leaving Varl’s journey feeling somewhat unfinished.

Based on the fact that the Nora tribe’s lands are located in modern-day Colorado, Sona isn’t a million miles away from the Forbidden West either. It wouldn't have been out of the realm of possibility for a scene in the game’s credits to have featured her being summoned to Chainscrape for Aloy to deliver the sad news. With Zo being pregnant with Varl’s child, presumably the soon-to-be grandmother will be clued in eventually. With a third game in the series being seemingly inevitable, and the possibility of a DLC expansion for Horizon Forbidden West being an option that is open to Guerrilla, there’s a good chance that a more fitting ending will eventually be created for Varl.

Horizon Forbidden West is available now on PS4 and PS5.

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