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Horizon Forbidden West offers many outfits for Aloy to don while on her journey across the post-apocalyptic wastes. With each impeccably designed outfit comes a variety of perks that enhance certain abilities, making each outfit very situation-based. For this reason, every outfit in Horizon Forbidden West is sorted into one of seven categories; Mixed Gear, for players in non-specific combat engagements; Machine Master, for those who enjoy overriding machines; Warrior, for players engaging in melee fights; Hunter, for bow-users; Infiltrator, for stealthy players; Survivor, for people looking to stay alive; and Trapper, for gamers who like to prepare for a fight.

With the many varieties of outfit styles and functions, players will likely find themselves swapping between them with each gameplay scenario. For players who enjoy immersing themselves in a game, Aloy changing her entire outfit five seconds before a fight may be a little distracting.

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Moreover, players who enjoy one particular outfit may be reluctant to swap it out for something less visually impressive. As such, with Horizon Forbidden West's 1.016 update, Guerrilla Games has added a way for players to swap outfits without changing Aloy’s appearance with the addition of a Transmog system.

Transmog, short for transmogrify, is a gameplay system featured regularly in RPGs and MMOs. It essentially allows players to equip any piece of level-appropriate gear they want while making it look like another piece of gear. This way, players can make use of the gameplay perks of Forbidden West 's strongest armor while enjoying the look of their favorite gear.

How to Transmog in Horizon Forbidden West

Before players can transmog their gear and take Aloy to New Game Plus, they need to ensure Horizon Forbidden West is fully updated.

To check this, hover over the game’s icon in the “Home” menu and press the “Options” button. Scroll down to “Check for Update” and verify that the game is patched. The console needs to be connected to the internet for this to work.


After updating the game, load up a save and enter the Map menu by pressing the touchpad. Use the left bumper to navigate to the Inventory tab and scroll down to the Outfits page.

With any piece of gear equipped, hover over another outfit and press the Triangle button to “Apply Look.” A small icon will appear in the bottom right of the screen reading “Look Applied,” and now, players should be free to roam the Forbidden West with any outfit they choose.

To remove the applied look, simply re-enter the menu and click Triangle again. This new update adds a variety of new features regarding the upgrading of armor in New Game Plus, so be sure to check Game ZXC's other guides on Champion Tokens and the new Legendary Gear.

Horizon Forbidden West is currently available for PS4 and PS5.

MORE: Horizon Forbidden West: Complete Guide & Walkthrough