Table of contents

Horizon Forbidden West brings countless improvements over its predecessor. The most obvious improvement is the visual upgrade that can be seen on PS5, which supports 4K resolution that brings out all the details of the lush environments that surround Aloy. Plenty of gameplay improvements can also be found, including improved traversal mechanics - Aloy can climb and scale nearly any mountain she comes across. She is also capable of using a grappling hook called a Pullcaster to quickly ascend to high places, and she can use a Shieldwing Glider to gently descend from great heights.

Guerrilla Games has also done a complete overhaul of Aloy's skill tree. Although Aloy retains many of her abilities from Horizon Zero Dawn, in Horizon Forbidden West the skill tree system is expanded, granting her access to a myriad new abilities. It may be confusing at first, but Guerrilla Games has divided the skill tree into six categories that each complement a certain style.

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Machine Masters


For most of Horizon Forbidden West, players treat machines like enemies and strive to hunt them down. However, machines can sometimes be useful, especially when Aloy overrides them. The usefulness of machines can be enhanced by unlocking more skills in the Machine Master skill tree.

The best skills to unlock in this category are Machine Damage, which allows overridden machine to deal more damage; Heavy Lifter, which lets Aloy move faster when carrying heavy weapons; and Mounted Archer, which lets Aloy deal more damage when on a mount. Valor Surges also improve Aloy's chances when she is up against aggressive machines. The Part Breaker Valor Surge allows Aloy to deal more damage to machine components and weak spots, and Chain Burst is also a useful as it bolsters Aloy's resolve against multiple enemies.


horizon forbidden west snake machine

Plenty of gamers like going into situations guns-blazing, but sometimes a quieter choice is smarter. Stealth has its benefits, especially on harder difficulties, as it allows players to save resources. Players who explore this skill tree should aim their sights at Quiet Spear, which makes melee attacks quieter; Silent Strike Heal, which recovers some of Aloy's health every time she uses silent strike; Double Notch, which lets Aloy load and fire two arrows simultaneously; and Focused Shot, which increases Aloy's zoom.

The Valor Surges in the Infiltrator category are some of the best available to players. Stealth Stalker greatly reduces Aloy's visibility, making her practically invisible, while Radial Blast lets Aloy's spear unleash a powerful shockwave that damages all nearby enemies.



Horizon Forbidden West's world is beautiful, but it is also harsh. As such, Aloy will inevitably take some damage. Fortunately, there are berries and healing potions around to replenish her health. For players who value keeping their HP high, the Survivor category is vital. It has many useful skills including Medicine Capacity, which increases Aloy's capacity to carry medicinal berries; Valor on Impact, which grants Aloy valor when she is hit by enemies; and Burst Dodge, which allows Aloy to toss a bunch of bombs toward enemies while she automatically dodges backward.

The Valor Surges in this category ensure that players survive even the most perilous situations. Toughened is a Valor Surge that lets Aloy drink a special potion which restores her health and gives her resistance to status effects. Meanwhile, Overshield gives Aloy an energy shield that protects her from taking damage.



Horizon Forbidden West is nothing without its archery. In a world filled with fierce tribes and killer machines, Aloy sticks to her trusty bow and arrow. The Hunter category makes Aloy a better archer and machine hunter through skills such as Deep Concentration, which increases how long Aloy can slow down time; Heavy Weapon, which lets Aloy deal more damage using heavy weapons; and Triple Notch, which lets Aloy load and fire three arrows simultaneously.

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Horizon Forbidden West's Hunter category has some very powerful Valor Surges. The Ranged Master Valor Surge bolsters Aloy's resolve and lets her deal more damage with her ranged weapons, while Powershots bolsters her resolve and allows her to deal more damage for a certain number of shots with Bows, Boltblasters, Ropecasters, and Spike Throwers.



Aloy does not always have to deal with her foes head-on. Sometimes she can place cleverly positioned traps that harm opponents without the need for Aloy to put herself in harm's way. Players can improve this ability with skills in the Trapper category such as Nimble Crafter, which lets Aloy craft tools, traps, and potions faster; Trap Limit, which allows Aloy to place more traps on the field at the same time; and Skilled Salvager, which lets Aloy recover higher quality resources when deconstructing traps and tripwires.

The traps of Horizon Zero Dawn make a comeback in Horizon Forbidden West, but Aloy can make greater use of them thanks to Valor Surges. With Elemental Fury, Aloy can bolster her resolve and increase the build-up effects of elemental attacks while gaining a greater resistance. Trap Specialist increases the effects of traps and tripwires.


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Lastly, there is the Warrior category, which is dedicated to Aloy's melee skills. In Horizon Zero Dawn, the melee system is pretty shallow, but melee combat has improved significantly with Horizon Forbidden West. Some useful skills in this category include Aerial Slash/Jump-Off, which allows Aloy to jump off enemies, create distance, and deal greater damage when shooting an arrow after jumping off. It also lets Aloy perform Aerial Slash, which is a move that quickly damages an enemy before Aloy leaps into the air. Power Attack+ and Critical Strike+ are both useful as they increase the damage of power attacks and critical strikes, respectively.

The Valor Surges in this category include Critical Boost, which increases Aloy's chance to land critical hits in addition to higher critical damage. Melee Might is also a good Valor Surge, as it lets players deal more damage with melee, turning her spear into an even deadlier weapon.

With six categories to choose from, there are skills to suit every kind of player. Focusing on a single category allows players to unlock valor surges and more powerful skills, but exploring all the categories will allow Aloy to have a well-rounded set of skills. Regardless of what direction players decide to go, with Horizon Forbidden West's skill tree, Aloy is more capable than ever.

Horizon Forbidden West is available now on PS4 and PS5.

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