Horizon Forbidden West brings gamers another adventure in a future dystopia where humans must defend themselves against mighty machines. Because fists aren't enough, several weapons have been invented to target machine weaknesses, and Aloy gets to use plenty of them. One of the most fun weapons to play with is the Shredder Gauntlet, which has gamers playing catch with themselves. Future games should build on this foundation by providing more weapons that engage players in creative ways.

By no means is the Shredder Gauntlet the only impressive weapon in Horizon Forbidden West. Players can also have fun with the Spike Thrower which hurls a javelin-like projectile at enemies, and the Boltblaster which showers enemies with projectiles. The series should continue expanding its range of unique weapons because it is one of its strongest draws.

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The Shredder Gauntlets of Horizon Forbidden West

Aloy in a green and white, armored outfit holding a white scoop with a disc inside that's got blue lightning on it

Horizon Forbidden West continues Aloy's story, though it has her traveling to new lands. She has new dangers to face, including never before seen machines, but luckily, she also gains a few new weapons in Horizon Forbidden West to aid her. Shredder Gauntlets are one of the new weapons that leave a lasting impact. When Aloy has a Shredder Gauntlet, she can load a disc-like projectile and toss it at her enemies. Much like a boomerang, these discs return to Aloy after hitting their targets, though she has to make an effort to catch them. By catching the disc, players save on ammunition. Furthermore, when Aloy throws the disc again, it will deal additional damage. She can do this three times, dealing more damage each time, until the disc explodes when it lands the third time.

Shredder Gauntlets are tailored toward removing components because they can deal high Tear damage. This makes it a good weapon to use against Horizon machines that have heavy weapons and are covered by armor. However, to reap the benefits of the Shredder Gauntlet, players have to do a little more work than usual, as they have to keep an eye on where the disc goes so that they can catch it on its return trip. It is also best saved for larger machines, as they are easier to aim at.

Future Horizon Games Need More Creative Weapons

horizon forbidden west dlc leak

Its range of creative weapons is one area in which the Horizon franchise excels, and Horizon Forbidden West is no exception. The Shredder Gauntlet is such a curious weapon because strategies with it don't stop once the projectile is launched. Players have to be ready to catch the projectile again, while still paying attention to what their opponent is doing, which can make for some very fast-paced and exciting gameplay. Future games should expand on this concept, introducing more weapons that veer away from traditional, realistic weapon design and challenge players in innovative ways.

Fortunately, the franchise will have plenty of opportunities to flex its creative muscles shortly. Horizon Call of the Mountain is coming up, which will bring the franchise to the world of virtual reality. This opens the pathway for creative weapons that engage players in particularly tactile ways. The upcoming Burning Shores DLC for Horizon Forbidden West has also been revealed, and gamers can expect it on April 19. With Aloy journeying to new lands, it could result in her using new weapons.

The future of the Horizon franchise looks bright, and there is plenty for fans to look forward to. In addition to the aforementioned titles, Horizon Forbidden West ended on a note that suggests that Aloy's story isn't over yet, and players should expect a follow-up mainline entry. If developers can come up with additional weapons as engaging and dynamic as the Shredder Gauntlets, gamers will continue to be enchanted with the series.

Horizon Forbidden West is available on PS4 and PS5.

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