Horizon Forbidden West puts more attention than ever on Aloy's friends. She gets to hang out with her companions at the Base, where she can chat with her friends or play a game of Machine Strike. One of Aloy's most lovable friends is Erend, and although he sometimes overindulges in alcohol, he remains loyal to his companions. Players get to see more of him in Horizon Forbidden West, but the next game can take things further.

There are still many aspects of Erend's character and backstory that remain a mystery. The next Horizon game could answer these questions. He could also be given a bigger role through his attempt to convince the Oseram to prepare for Nemesis' arrival. This will require the tribe to unite and work with Aloy.

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Erend's Importance to Aloy

Horizon Forbidden West Erend

As players learn in Horizon Zero Dawn, Erend is an Oseram tribesman who befriends Aloy. She helps him locate his sister, Ersa, though she has been brutally tortured, and does not live for long. Following this, Erend and Aloy remain close companions, which is fortunate, as Erend is a skilled warrior. In Horizon Forbidden West, Erend sticks by Aloy's side once again and helps her in the fight against the Far Zeniths.

Players also learn a bit more about Erend and his backstory, as he and Aloy seek out the last of Ersa's murderers. However, not much time is spent on this storyline, which is understandable, as bigger events are going on. Hence, the main way for players to interact with Erend is to play Machine Strike with him at the Base. Unfortunately, this results in Erend being mostly used for comic relief, and his character isn't developed too much. There is a chance for Erend to play a bigger role in the next Horizon game, and hopefully, Guerrilla does take this opportunity, as the character still has untapped potential.

How Erend Can Play a Larger Role in the Next Horizon Game

aloy and erend horizon forbidden west

In the next Horizon game, Aloy will have to contend with Nemesis, an evil AI which is determined to wipe out humankind. This will be the greatest challenge Aloy has ever faced, and she will need all the help she can get to save her species. One thing that may help Aloy is the fact that she has built good relationships with many tribes, which may make them more likely to help her. When it comes to getting the Oseram tribe onboard for the battle against Nemesis, Erend will be of great aid, and the next Horizon game should spend time focusing on how Aloy and Erend convince the Oseram to band together and work with them.

This may be somewhat difficult because the Oseram tribe, unlike many other tribes, is not very unified. It consists of many smaller clans, and the Oseram seldom stick to any territory, preferring to roam freely. Corralling them together may be challenging. However, it would ultimately be worth it, as the Oseram are also skilled weapon-makers, as seen with characters like Boomer, which will be invaluable in the battle against Nemesis.

Erend isn't the only character that should get increased attention in Horizon Forbidden West's sequel. Zo the Utaru Gravesinger is a newly introduced character who becomes Aloy's close friend and Varl's romantic partner. Though Aloy has a very independent personality, Nemesis may force her to lean on her friends more than ever. This is ultimately a good thing if it means players discover more about characters like Erend.

Horizon Forbidden West is available on PS4 and PS5.

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