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Horizon Forbidden West elevates the combat of the Horizon franchise in quite a few ways, but one of the most impactful is how the game makes weapon choice feel truly personal. There are dozens of different weapons to choose from across each weapon class, and each weapon type offers its own strengths and weaknesses when taking on machines while out in the wild.

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These weapons all have unique roles to play in combat, whether that be stunning an enemy with elemental damage or tearing off armor plating to expose a weak point. That said, while every weapon type in the game is a viable choice, some are simply more versatile options when taking on Horizon Forbidden West's mechanical foes.

Updated on January 26th, 2023 by Hodey Johns: The game has been out for a while now but the best weapon Aloy can use still has no consensus. Rightfully so; the combat is done so well that gamers can use whatever they enjoy using the best. If the success rate says the weapon is good, then keep using it. Also, with a variety of opponents, different weapons will be great in different situations. However, some weapons do seem to consistently stick out from the crowd as great while others flounder. This list has been updated with the latest community and expert feedback, but don't let that dissuade players from sticking with a trusted favorite, regardless of where it lands on the list. Additionally, a section for spears was added to this list as they had been forgotten in the original.

10 Ropecasters

Aloy in a green and yellow outfit with an ornate headdress holding a spear gun with a light blue canister attached to the shaft

The Ropecaster is a tool that allows Aloy to ensnare machines in ropes, pinning them to the ground and making it easier to tear off components and target their weak spots. Some of the more advanced versions of the Ropecaster can even inflict elemental damage to the machines or attach elemental canisters like Blaze or Purgewater that can then be shot with an elemental arrow to create a massive explosion.

While a useful tool for slowing down agile enemies, the Ropecaster is a difficult weapon to use efficiently. The charge time necessary for each shot to stick in a machine leaves Aloy vulnerable, and a missed shot can be costly in terms of both resources and health. The effect of tying a machine down is also very similar to the Shock status effect, robbing the Ropecaster of what makes it unique. Perhaps the MMORPG sequel will return the Ropecaster to glory.

9 Boltblasters

aloy in green and white metal armor holding a heavy crossbow while firing purple glowing bolts toward distant palm trees

The Boltblaster is an evolution of the Rattler from Horizon Zero Dawn. While both fire bolts at a rapid clip though, the Boltblaster offers a significant improvement to range and utility. The rapid-fire functionality of the Boltblaster means it can knock enemies back while charging them with elemental effects, especially when taking advantage of the Sustained Burst ability.

The downside of the Boltblaster is its weight. Aloy moves much slower while carrying one. Not only that, but the weapon has to be manually reloaded after firing all the bolts in a clip, which isn't always easy to do while facing a charging machine. New players still learning about the game will quickly come to understand that damage is rarely, if ever, worth sacrificing mobility for. The Boltblaster is highly situational and should probably be used only once as an elite unit is charging, then discarded for a more reliable weapon.

8 Hunter Bows

aloy sliding on the ground while knocking an arrow that's glowing blue

The Hunter Bow is Aloy's most reliable ranged weapon, offering utility across every combat scenario. Aloy can detach machine components, take out human enemies with a single headshot, and trigger elemental status effects without ever having to switch to a different weapon type. A single Hunter Bow can tear off a Tideripper's Tidal Disc and blow up the Chillwater canisters on its tail.

Although the Hunter Bow is a solid all-around weapon for Aloy to use in Horizon Forbidden West, it doesn't excel in any one department. It can't trigger elemental effects as quickly as a Blast Sling, nor does it have the stopping power of a Boltblaster. It also chews through ammunition. With six weapon slots, making room for a weapon with no particular strength is hard to justify. Maybe if item management were different, the versatility of the Hunter Bow would pay off more than it does now.

7 Warrior Bows

aloy in a green and white outfit holding a small, flat bow with a flame-tipped arrow knocked

The Warrior Bow is a weapon type that is great for supporting the melee-focused player build. It has a very short range, but makes up for this by dealing full damage even if the string isn't fully pulled back. The Melee Detonator ability is one of its best, sticking an explosive bolt into machines that, when struck with a spear attack, tears off armor and deals massive damage.

Because of its role as a melee support weapon, though, the Warrior Bow doesn't really deal much damage of its own. It's designed to give Aloy options when fighting up close, whether that means setting her up to rush in or creating distance between an enemy that's too close. If players are looking for powerful ranged weapons, the Warrior Bow really isn't for them. It looks awesome in the robust photo mode, but a ranged weapon without much range is always going to be underwhelming.

6 Tripcasters

aloy in a green and yellow outfit with an ornate headdress firing a small crossbow with a glowing blue light on it and rope attached to another blue light on the ground in front of her

The Tripcaster is one of Aloy's best tools for starting off a huge fight. Setting up the tripwire traps across machine patrol routes makes bringing them down from stealth a cinch, and setting up a string of traps to take down an entire group of enemies is one of the most satisfying mechanics in the game.

The problem with the Tripcaster, though, is that it loses a lot of usefulness once Aloy actually enters a fight. Setting up both pylons for the Tripcaster isn't impossible to do while in combat with a machine, but it's a tricky thing to master. Players are better off switching to another weapon when facing a machine head-on. Perhaps future installments will improve on the current trap system.

5 Spike Throwers

Aloy in a red, white, and teal outfit with a horned helmet standing a field and pulling back to throw a long, metal spear

The Spike Thrower is one of the new weapons introduced in Horizon Forbidden West, and it's a powerful addition to Aloy's arsenal. It's essentially a portable heavy weapon, allowing her to fling metal spikes into enemies like an Olympian might toss a javelin. Not only are they powerful weapons, but elemental and explosive variants can dish out even more damage to hostile machines.

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The downside to the Spike Thrower is that it can be tricky to manage. Shots aren't easy to make without the same level of aim-down-sights provided by Aloy's other weapons, and missing a shot is a huge waste of resources. Aloy can move at full speed while aiming, but she can't dodge, jump, or slide. Because of the arc, the weapon becomes a liability in ranged fights. With some practice and knowledge about how New Game+ works, the Spike Thrower can eventually become more accurate in subsequent playthroughs.

4 Blastslings

aloy in a red and yellow outfit on a beach pulling back on a sling loaded with a greenish ball

The Blastsling makes a triumphant return in Horizon Forbidden West, and it is just as essential a weapon as it was in the first game. No other weapon can match the elemental build-up power of the Blast Sling, and the new weapon abilities make it more potent than ever before. Now players can throw out multiple bombs at once, or toss out a bouncing bomb that increases in damage with each bounce.

The Blastsling can still be a little tricky to use, especially when compared to Aloy's more conventional bows. The aiming line for the Blast Sling doesn't always make it clear where the projectile is going to land, and the Blast Sling's small ammo reserve means players will frequently be forced to craft ammo on the fly. Still, when it comes to clearing out a packed area, this is the way to go.

3 Sharpshot Bows

Aloy in a white, cloth outfit with a green skirt pulls back a purple, glowing arrow on a large, wooden bow with sticks attack to the handle

The Sharpshot Bow is Aloy's go-to, long-range option to start a fight. The Sharpshot Bow can sheer off the weapons of machines like the Thunderjaw and Tremortusk before they even know that Aloy is around. It thins out the crowd before taking on an engagement in earnest; many battles can be won with only this weapon.

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What the Sharpshot Bow has in strength, it lacks in speed. Knocking an arrow in a Sharpshot bow takes noticeably longer than it does in similar weapons. However, it is the most powerful weapon over long distances and comes equipped with some of the best component tear-off arrows in the entire game.

2 Shredder Gauntlets

Aloy in a green and white, armored outfit holding a white scoop with a disc inside that's got blue lightning on it

The Shredder Gauntlet is easily the most fascinating weapon in Horizon Forbidden West and also happens to be one of the best. It functions unlike any other weapon in the game, turning combat into a high-octane, boomerang mini-game. Not only does the Shredder Gauntlet tear armor off better than most weapons, but each subsequent throw deals more damage before culminating in a final, explosive shot.

The only drawback to the Shredder Gauntlet is the challenge that comes with using it. Missing the shredder disc on its return journey means having to restart the entire damage ramp-up process again while also costing a valuable piece of ammo. The inherent challenge to the weapon is what makes it so fun to use though, and mastering its tricky mechanics is one of the most satisfying parts of the game. With time, this can become the main weapon, especially after locating the legendary weapon variety.

1 Spears

Horizon Forbidden West Spear Getting Upgraded

If players are only going to use one weapon in the game, it's got to be the spear. It's simply too versatile and that starts outside of combat with its ability to open up doors and unlock chests. And don't forget about its ability to override machines for some mind control, turning enemies against each other.

Even in a straight-up fight, the spear is still top-tier. It can cut through blocks, spin to take out areas with opponents, and perform aerial movements and attacks. There is a reason that when players think of the memorable main characters, they think of Aloy with her trusty spear.

Horizon Forbidden West is available now on PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5.

MORE: Horizon Forbidden West: Complete Guide & Walkthrough