Horizon Forbidden West tasks players with stepping into Aloy's shoes once again and exploring the titular Forbidden West, a mysterious land far from the familiar environments of the first game. There are many dangers lurking in the west, especially with a massive ecological collapse on the horizon. However, one Horizon Forbidden West player discovered that some dangers lurk closer to home after they accidentally crushed themselves with a log trap.

Log traps are one of the most devastating environmental traps Horizon Forbidden West has to offer. These contraptions take the form of wooden structures holding up a significant number of cut-down logs high in the air. When Aloy shoots at a designated target area, the logs come tumbling down and do incredible amounts of damage to anything unlucky enough to be in the way. In the case of this clip, it was Aloy waiting below instead of a hostile machine.

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Redditor Extension_Feature700 recently shared a short 24-second-long video showcasing what happened after they shot a log trap in the right place - while standing in the wrong place. Horizon Forbidden West's open world is full of little details, and the video opens with the player just running around and seemingly taking in the sights. However, they soon lock onto a question mark in the map display that leads them directly to a log trap. After spending several seconds examining the trap, they back up and fire an arrow at it. The results are predictable.

Aloy is immediately buried in logs as Extension_Feature700 did not realize how far the splash damage of a log trap could reach. This leads to a red-tinted shot of the newly-formed log pile and an unceremonious game over. Extension_Feature700's accompanying text notes their lack of situational awareness - they apparently didn't recognize the log trap for what it was. This is interesting since log traps are explained to the player during Horizon Forbidden West's hunting trials.

As of writing, it appears that other Horizon Forbidden West players sympathize with Extension_Feature700's ignorance of the true destructive potential of log traps. One user noted that they couldn't afford to laugh at the video because they once walked directly into their own acid trap; it appears they are far from the only ones who've accidentally triggered traps while trying to lure an enemy onto them. However, Extension_Feature700's situation is still noteworthy simply because they didn't realize the log trap was dangerous at all. They even tried to fire a grappling line at the construct in hopes of climbing it before triggering it with an arrow.

Horizon Forbidden West is available now on PS4 and PS5.

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