Horizon Zero Dawn introduced gamers to Aloy and her world filled with human tribes and deadly robot machines. In this dystopian future, survival must be fought for, and every day brings new dangers. Despite the presence of the deadly machines, they aren't the main antagonists of Horizon Zero Dawn. That dishonor goes to HADES, which is one of GAIA's subordinate functions. By Horizon Forbidden West, Aloy neutralizes HADES' threat, though the villain could have served the franchise a lot more.

Though HADES is created to serve a useful function, when it goes rogue, it poses a threat to all life on Earth. With Nemesis on its way to Earth at the end of Horizon Forbidden West, it would have been interesting to see how the two antagonists interact in the threequel, and whether they would have worked together, as they share similar goals. However, with HADES completely neutralized, there is no possibility of this happening.

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HADES In the Horizon Franchise


Of all GAIA's subordinate functions, HADES is one of the most interesting. It was created as a failsafe. Should GAIA fail with her project of rekindling life on Earth, HADES was meant to eradicate it and give GAIA a chance to start again with a clean slate. Though its powers were always intended to be destructive, the destruction was meant to be used for positive purposes. After Earth is hit by the mysterious Extinction Signal which players later discover was sent by Nemesis, HADES awakens, and it is obsessed with performing its sole function and ridding the Earth of life.

HADES is found by Sylens who restores the AI and tells it about the world. Skilled in manipulation, HADES convinces Sylens to help it, though it ends up betraying Sylens. HADES presents itself as the Buried Shadow, and fools wayward Shadow Carja into forming a cult around it known as the Eclipse.

Once HADES is connected to the Spire, it can send a signal that awakens the Deathbringers, giving it the power to wage a global war. Fortunately, Aloy brings an end to its nefarious plans, though HADES survives and is captured by Sylens. It isn't the last players see of HADES, as the AI makes a reappearance in Horizon Forbidden West. Using coordinates from Sylens' lance in the Spire, Aloy locates the AI in a Horus Quantum Processing Core, and she finds that it is weakened. Aloy decides to override the AI, ending its threat once and for all.

The Untapped Potential of HADES


In some ways, the destruction of HADES is a good thing, as the AI could wipe out life on Earth if it were allowed to execute its plans. However, it is difficult to not ponder over what role the AI could have played in the story's next chapter, especially with Nemesis due to visit Earth. Both AIs have similar goals, though Nemesis' hatred is pinpointed on humans. The two could have worked together, making them an even bigger threat. Alternatively, it also seems like Nemesis is far more powerful than HADES, and Nemesis might have just crushed the AI, seeing it as nothing but an inferior nuisance.

The defeat of HADES took a lot from Aloy, but her battle against Nemesis will require even more bravery. Before she deals with Nemesis, she will be visiting Los Angeles in the Burning Shores DLC which will launch on the PS5 in April. Early promotional material suggests Aloy may be going up against a Horus Titan, also known as a Metal Devil, and this could make for one of the most epic battles in the series.

Horizon Forbidden West is available on PS4 and PS5.

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