Horizon Forbidden West embraced its sci-fi routes by fleshing out the Far Zeniths as the central antagonists in the franchise, looking to steal the GAIA sub-functions for their selfish purposes. After only featuring in data points in the first game, Horizon Forbidden West thrusts them center stage as they come toe to toe with Aloy, revealing their age of a thousand years and advanced technology. Though they appear defeated by the game's end, there may be more stories left to tell surrounding them.

Created as a think tank of the wealthiest people of the mid-21st century, Far Zenith was described as a future consortium to extend humanity to other star systems. To achieve this, they were responsible for reviving the Odyssey colony ship project, which had been abandoned in orbit when the governments involved could no longer agree on the finances and operations of the project. By the outbreak of the Faro Plague, Far Zenith members remained a secret to the public, save for Osvald Dalgaard, the only acknowledged member and mouthpiece.

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Far Zenith in Horizon Forbidden West


Far Zenith appears in Horizon Forbidden West during the main quest Death's Door, when Aloy infiltrates LATOPOLIS - the lab HADES was perfected in - in search of a GAIA backup. Here, Aloy is confronted not only by the leaders of Far Zenith (Gerard, Tilda, and Erik) but another clone of Elisabet Sobeck, Beta, who is forced to aid the Zeniths in stealing their copy of the backup. While preventing this theft, Aloy discovers Far Zenith's invincibility against her attacks, barely escaping.

After rescuing Beta, Aloy learns that the Odyssey carrying Far Zenith never was destroyed as reported in data points throughout Horizon Zero Dawn, but in fact, made it to the Sirius System, where they successfully colonized the planet. Aloy is horrified to learn that these members of Far Zeniths are the same people who left Earth a thousand years before. Beta divulges more information, claiming the Zeniths are looking to obtain all parts of the GAIA terraforming system to remake Earth in their intended image.

By Horizon Forbidden West's end, it's learned that Far Zenith has no intention of staying on Earth, as they're on the run from a sentient AI they created, Nemesis, that destroyed their colony and has been pursuing them across the cosmos. They hope to use GAIA to terraform another planet they may eventually find to hide from Nemesis. Nemesis, as it turns out, was Far Zeniths' attempt at digital transcendence, as physical immortality was not enough. They hoped to be able to upload their consciousness into any organic or mechanical form.

To this end, Nemesis was made when the Zeniths uploaded their consciousness digitally, along with all of their intellect, emotions, prejudices, and beliefs. Then, deeming Nemesis a failure, they isolated the AI, which eventually attained sentience and used its collective knowledge to destroy its creator's world, with only a handful of Zeniths escaping. Nemesis, thus, sent the extinction protocol to HADES to destroy Earth and rob the Zeniths of a haven. Horizon Forbidden West sees the Zeniths overrun and destroyed by Aloy and her allies, though the threat of Nemesis looms.

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The Odyssey Remains in Orbit with the Zeniths' Advanced Technology


With the defeat of the surviving members of Far Zenith, Aloy and her allies warn their tribes and people about the threat of Nemesis, quickly on its way to destroy Earth. Sylens is the only member who initially plans to board the Odyssey, which has remained in Earth's orbit, before ultimately changing his mind and helping Aloy. While everyone embarks on their journeys, the Odyssey remains in orbit with all of Far Zenith's supplies and advanced technology.

Due to the technological achievements that the Zeniths had managed to achieve, not only in the 21st century but over the following thousand years, it isn't impossible that some members digitally uploaded copies of themselves or other AI aboard the Odyssey before Aloy and her allies succeeded in their attack. As far as Horizon Forbidden West shows, Aloy and her friends never check the ship for any of its supplies or tech, meaning players can't rule out the return of the Zeniths in some form.

Tilda van der Meer May Have Survived

Horizon Forbidden West Tilda van der Meer At Home

Horizon Forbidden West's final antagonist becomes Tilda van der Meer, who betrays the rest of humanity to protect Aloy, since she's the clone of her former lover, Elisabet Sobeck. Tilda regretted leaving Elisabet to die on Earth while she fled amidst the stars. With Aloy, Tilda sees a version that honors Elisabet Sobeck and vows not to repeat the same mistake. Tilda's solution is to forcefully abduct Aloy and bring her aboard the Odyssey to flee the onslaught of Nemesis.

Aloy emerges victorious from her battle with Tilda, but no one checks to ensure that the last surviving Zenith is dead; all players see is a limp wrist from the Specter Prime casing. With Far Zenith's advanced technology, it's entirely possible that Tilda uploaded a copy of herself to some other form before confronting Aloy. Furthermore, Specter Prime is a mighty machine; Tilda may have only been knocked out, rather than killed. Even if she was dealt a death blow in Horizon Forbidden West, cloning technology has been an integral part of the series, and Tilda may have resorted to such a countermeasure.

Tilda, or some other member of Far Zenith surviving, also makes narrative sense for Nemesis. Despite the AI's intellect, it isn't aware of the supposed death of the Zeniths and is still on course to destroy Earth. If Guerilla Games resorts to Nemesis being an AI that hates all human life, it may feel a bit stereotypical for players. Having Tilda or some members of Far Zenith survive would narratively justify Nemesis' continued threat against Earth, Aloy, and her allies.

Horizon Forbidden West is available now for PS4 and PS5.

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