The upcoming Burning Shores DLC will feature an expanded look at one of the tribes from Horizon Forbidden West. A post-game expansion to Horizon Forbidden West was confirmed during December’s Game Awards 2022 event, with the Burning Shores DLC trailer featuring Aloy exploring a dangerous new section of the world filled with active volcanoes, perilous heights, and massive Machines strong enough to destroy the iconic Hollywood sign.Of course, the world of Horizon Forbidden West contains more than just feral robots, as a new generation of humanity has settled into various, unique tribes amid the ruins of a post-apocalyptic America. Much of Aloy’s struggles across both Horizon games come from uniting these differing and at times conflicting groups against a greater threat like HADES or Far Zenith, and each new installment adds more clans with their own lore and cultures for players to learn about right alongside her.RELATED: There is One Weird Reason Why Horizon Forbidden West Burning Shores DLC is PS5 OnlyNow, Guerrilla Games has just revealed the newest tribe Aloy will meet on her latest adventure: the Quen. According to Horizon Forbidden West: Burning Shores Lead Writer Annie Kitain, these sea-fairing people hail from across the Pacific Ocean and have built their home among the wreckage of Los Angeles. Aloy meets them while searching for another fragment of the terraforming GAIA program, and is surprised to learn that they can use Horizon's holographic Focus just like her. The knowledge gained from these devices has allowed the Quen to build a powerful empire - and they are fiercely protective of the few Focuses in their possession.

However, the Focuses the Quen use can only access information up to a certain point in the old world’s history, meaning that they have a very limited view of the world and have built a religion of sorts centered around 21st-century CEOs and business tycoons. Aloy first came across the Quen while exploring the tomb of the lateTed Faro in Horizon Forbidden West, and even befriended a knowledge-seeking Diviner named Alva who helped her on the rest of her journey.

There will likely be many more secrets and discoveries about the Quen to be unearthed, as Annie Kitain admits that their appearance in the base Horizon Forbidden West only scratched the surface of their home and culture. Players (and Aloy) will get to learn more about the previously shown Quen when Horizon Forbidden West: Burning Shores launches in a couple of weeks.

Horizon Forbidden West is available now on PS4 and PS5. The Burning Shores DLC releases April 19, exclusively for PS5.

MORE: Horizon Forbidden West Leaves the Door Open for an Obvious Level Pack

Source: PlayStation