The Decima engine, which was used to create Horizon Zero Dawn and its sequel Horizon Forbidden West, is also going to power some upcoming PS5 releases. As well as being praised for their interesting open worlds and rich lore, the Horizon games have also been touted by critics and fans as being some of the best-looking titles released on their respective platforms. When Horizon Forbidden West launched and the reviews came in, it was seen by many as a gorgeous title, showing just how powerful the Decima engine was.The Decima engine, which can create entire in-game worlds, was first used by Horizon Forbidden West's developer Guerrilla Games when the studio was working on Killzone: Shadow Fall back in 2013. Following the release of that title, it was announced that Horizon Zero Dawn was being built with the same engine. Then, an updated version of Decima was used for the development of Horizon Forbidden West. While Decima has been used mainly by Guerrilla, the studio doesn't have an exclusive hold on the engine, as shown recently.RELATED: Rumor: Horizon Forbidden West Coming to PCIn a Famitsu interview with PlayStation Studios Head Hermen Hulst, it was revealed that the Decima engine would be utilized by "several studios." Hulst didn't go over exactly which studios would be using the Decima engine to create games, but from a recently leaked document that listed upcoming Sony titles, already fans have an idea of a couple releases that could be using the tool.

Firstly, there's the sequel to 2019's Death Stranding, which is reportedly set to use the Decima engine. This may not surprise gamers, as in 2016 it was revealed that Hideo Kojima's original Death Stranding was being built with Decima.

Another upcoming game that is set to make use of Decima is Firesprite's Horizon: Call of the Mountain, which is a PS VR2 exclusive. Again, this may not be a surprise to many as Call of the Mountain Horizon franchise. However, considering Hulst's reference to the "sharing of technology," this could mean that multiple studios will utilize Decima moving forward.

Gamers will likely see the updated version of the Decima engine soon if the rumors are true about the upcoming Horizon Zero Dawn remake for PS5. Like The Last of Us: Part 1, the idea of a Horizon Zero Dawn remake has proven to be rather controversial within the gaming community, as many believe it to be an unnecessary recreation of a game that barely shows its age.

Horizon Forbidden West is available now for PS4 and PS5.

MORE: The Rumored Horizon Multiplayer Game Could Let Players Choose Their Own Tribe

Source: Famitsu