Horizon Forbidden West's Burning Shores DLC is just around the corner, and Guerrilla Games' story trailer provided more context for what players can expect as they bring Aloy to the ruins of Los Angeles. The trailer showcases Aloy and her new companion, Seyka, while providing more context to the threats they will face. Occurring after the events of Horizon Forbidden West, the Burning Shore's trailer confirms specific technology that Aloy will utilize coming out of the Far Zenith arsenal.

As she explores the volcanic archipelago that Los Angeles has become, the trailer shows off a deadly tower that dismounts Aloy from her Sunwing. Landing amid the ruins, Aloy will begin her adventure with a different faction of the technologically advanced Quen tipified by Seyka, a fierce, compassionate warrior slated to help Aloy in the next chapter of her experiences.

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Far Zenith Technology in Horizon Forbidden West

Horizon Forbidden West Gerard Far Zenith

The Far Zeniths played a prominent role in Horizon Forbidden West, serving as the primary antagonist of Aloy's second adventure before the finale revealed the actual threat of Nemesis lurking behind the scenes. In the 21st century, Far Zenith consisted of some of the world's most intelligent and wealthy individuals that were able to escape the apocalypse by traveling to another star system using technology well ahead of its time.

Initially believed to be the descendants of Far Zenith members who departed on the Odyssey for the Sirius System, Horizon Forbidden West reveals that all the members Aloy encounters are the same people who faked their deaths to escape amid the onslaught of the Faro Plague. Throughout the game, their technology is highlighted as the source their immortal lifespan and protective shields. Furthermore, Forbidden West shows how their technology evolved to use VR and advanced printing matrixes that create sleek, deadly machine servants such as the Specters. Far Zenith members also have the technology that allows them to fly and transform the gold cuffs on their arms into a deadly plasma canon or blade.

The height of Far Zenith's technological acumen comes in the form of Nemesis. An angry, sentient AI, Nemesis is the combined digital upload of all the Far Zenith minds, intellect, emotions, prejudices, and fears. Nemesis resents its creators for abandoning it, breaking free from its prison and using its combined minds to destroy most members of the Far Zenith colony, then sending its extinction protocol to GAIA Prime in order to deprive the survivors of any safe harbor. Nemesis is now on course for Earth to finish the job.

Aloy Using Far Zenith Technology in Burning Shores Highlights her Drive for Survival

Horizon Forbidden West Burning Shores Tower Aloy Sunwing

While it appears that all the Far Zenith members were killed during the climax of Horizon Forbidden West, it's possible that some members survived, perhaps through cloning or a digital upload of their consciousness. One potential candidate could be Gerard, who is underutilized as a primary antagonist in the base game. Nevertheless, the new trailer for Burning Shores begins by showing what may be Far Zenith technology blasting some kind of pulse at Aloy as she flies over Los Angeles.

However, the big reveal comes at the end of the trailer, where Aloy is seen confronting an awakened FAS-BOR7 HORUS. As Aloy stands before the Metal Devil, players see she is wearing the same gold cuff that Far Zeniths like Erik, Gerard, and Tilda wore. The cuff transforms into an identical energy canon that Far Zenith used in the base game, with Aloy ready for combat.

This confirmation makes sense, as the end of Forbidden West assured players that their technology and coding were left intact thanks to APOLLO, a sub-function now reintegrated by GAIA. With APOLLO containing the years worth of technological advancements from the Far Zenith colony, Aloy and her team can utilize the technology for better offensive and defensive measures in their quest to save the world.

Horizon Forbidden West is available now on PS4 and PS5, and the Burning Shores DLCreleases on April 19 exclusively for PS5.

MORE: Horizon Forbidden West: Burning Shores - Burning Questions Answered