In the Horizon franchise, humans have managed to survive apocalyptic events, but peace has not come yet because there are vicious machines on the loose. Some tribespeople, like Aloy, are skilled machine hunters that can take down the mightiest monsters, though the right weapons are necessary. Using a blend of primitive designs and future technology, humans have created several creative weapons to give machines some trouble. Future Horizon games will likely introduce more curious blends of ancient and future tech, and Horizon Forbidden West featured the perfect character to do this - Boomer.

Players meet Boomer and her sister Delah in Horizon Forbidden West. Although the two have their disagreements, they care about each other deeply. Boomer is great with weapons, and she is always thinking of new ones to create. She is lovable enough to warrant an appearance in future games where she could introduce more items that blend ancient and future technology.

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Boomer in Horizon Forbidden West


In Horizon Forbidden West, Aloy ventures to new lands where she encounters strange machines that test her in new ways. Machines like Slitherfangs and Tremortusks are massive, and as impressive as Aloy's spear is, it is unlikely to do much damage against them. Fortunately, Aloy gains a few new weapons that help her out. One of the most useful weapons in Horizon Forbidden West is the Spike Thrower, which Aloy acquires in a quest involving Boomer and Delah.

Delah is an Oseram that Aloy befriends. When Delah's sister, Boomer, goes missing after an argument, she turns to Aloy for help. As Aloy and Delah search for Boomer, they find her inventions along the way. This isn't strange, as Boomer loves tinkering and creating new things. When they find Boomer, they discover that she is attempting to make a new weapon, though she needs one more component, which can be gained from looting a Shellsnapper. If Aloy can take down the Shellsnapper and loot it for the required component, she is rewarded with Boomer's Spike Thrower.

How Boomer Could Impact Future Horizon Games

Aloy and monster in Horizon Zero Dawn & Forbidden West

Boomer is an adorable character with a childlike demeanor and an infectious sense of curiosity. She has an intense interest in explosions, which can sometimes frustrate Delah who loves her nonetheless. Though she plays a relatively minor role in Horizon Forbidden West, she has the opportunity to play a larger one in upcoming titles. Aloy will be facing bigger threats than ever because Nemesis the genocidal AI is headed toward Earth, and it is intent on eradicating all humans.

There is no telling what tricks Nemesis has prepared, or how it intends to enact its malevolent plot. Aloy will all the help she can get to take down this terrible foe. Having a friend like Boomer around could be of great aid, as she could craft helpful weapons and defensive technology for Aloy and her friends. It would be the perfect opportunity for Boomer to experiment with ancient and future technology, as well as put her passion to use and produce the biggest explosions possible.

Before Nemesis' arrival, Aloy is headed south of the Tenakth lands to visit the Burning Shores. It is not yet known what draws her there, but the announcement trailer depicts a mighty Horus Titan awakening, which could spell big trouble. If Aloy is going to find herself up against one of these behemoths, she may need Boomer's help a lot sooner than anticipated.

Horizon Forbidden West is available on PS4 and PS5. The Burning Shores DLC is scheduled to release on April 19 on PS5.

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