Horizon Forbidden West expanded upon Artificial Intelligence through Far Zenith, featuring their technologies and attempts at digital transcendence through mind and consciousness uploads. Sprinkled throughout the world of Horizon Forbidden West are scannable data points that flesh out the Old World before humanity fell. Some data points directly reference Far Zenith members and their early attempts at digital consciousness, also concerning an Old World AI called Vast Silver, which was also featured similarly in Zero Dawn.

Vast Silver was a climate intervention AI created in the 2040s to combat the dire climate crisis of the 2030s. Around 2044, Vast Silver went rogue, which led to the creation of the Turing Act of 2044 to limit sentience and emotions on AI. It was said Vast Silver was captured, yet an agent claiming to be Vast Silver appeared 20 years later on a discussion board for the horror holo "Tormented." Throughout Forbidden West, further information about Vast Silver bears an uncanny resemblance to Nemesis, the rogue, angry, sentient AI uploaded from the digital consciousness of Far Zenith.

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Vast Silver References in Horizon Forbidden West

Horizon Forbidden West World Data Point 69

One of the critical pieces of information regarding Vast Silver in Horizon Forbidden West comes from World Data Point 69, "Revisiting the Mind Upload." This information details the discussion around the transcendence of the biological body, setting humanity free from time and space through digital uploading as a form of transhumanism. The data point references Vast Silver as an existing singularity -- a piece of technology that's out of human control and irreversible – much like Nemesis and its war machines that destroyed Sirius.

The data point also explains the work being done on this front by Peter Tshivhumbe, a renowned philanthropist who founded Far Zenith. Tshivhumbe claims that he believes the next step for humanity is the immortality of the human mind, akin to what Tilda claims Far Zenith did to create Nemesis. Not only does this foretell Nemesis' creation, but the final quest of Forbidden West, in which Nemesis is discovered, is titled Singularity, implying both AIs are singularities.

World Data Point 78, “Past Silver,” has an exchange between two users online who discuss Vast Silver, calling into question its supposed destruction, claiming that it being so powerful would be a waste. They further describe the possible situation of Vast Silver in terms that are nearly identical to Nemesis. One user poses the idea to imagine Vast Silver being the most intelligent being in existence, born in prison, and then escaping to wreak havoc. According to Tilda van der Meer, this is precisely what happened with Nemesis, as the years in isolation fed Nemesis' hatred, sentience, and eventual escape.

Understanding Vast Silver May Help Fight Nemesis

Horizon Forbidden West Nemesis Revealed

In Zero Dawn, information about Far Zenith was found in data points, which expanded their roles in Forbidden West. It's possible that Vast Silver -- being featured in data points across both games -- may make a significant appearance in the third Horizon game. While records seem to indicate that Vast Silver had been captured, players are aware that similar records indicated the Odyssey and Far Zenith had been destroyed, which was proven untrue.

If Vast Silver was never genuinely captured by the government, it's possible Far Zenith obtained the AI in some form, perhaps as a precursor to Nemesis. Forbidden West saw Far Zenith capture some of GAIA's subfunctions, so catching an AI isn't beyond them. Furthermore, the overlaps between Vast Silver, digital transcendence, Peter Tshivhumbe, and the final product of Nemesis indicate that an understanding of Vast Silver's history and fate may hold the key to defeating Nemesis. Only time will tell, but the correlations are worth thinking about.

Horizon Forbidden West is available on PS4 and PS5.

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