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Warning: The following contains spoilers for Horimiya: The Missing Pieces, Episode 2, "Cooking Class", now streaming on Crunchyroll.

Horimiya is so far receiving positive feedback and praise from multiple fans of the show, and especially due to the continuation of its second season into the second episode. However, what happens in this episode revolves around a certain day which can be considered a Sports Day for the students, and is very important in the future.The importance of this episode being that it focuses on Miyamura and Kyoko eventually, but then shifts the perspective to three other characters that are a part of the Student Council. However, what is this supposed to mean in the long-run of the story? More importantly, what is the importance of focusing on these three characters with their own dynamics between each other if they aren't the main duo. Either way, this begs more analysis for many fans as well as a deep understanding of what these characters are doing for many fans of Horimiya.

While many fans of the series are familiar with Miyamura and Kyoko's friend groups, especially due to the amount of time each of them got dedicated to themselves in the original season, this episode in particular focuses on the main leads and eventually a bit on the personal struggles of the Student Council members, particularly Sengoku, Sakura, and Remi as they each prepare for their individual struggles when it comes to Sports Day. Despite their characters being mostly that of supporting characters, the entire episode details the dynamics behind Sengoku and Sakura, as well as their own doubts about the coming event of potentially the next episode. Horimiya as a slice-of-life anime provides a lot of understanding beyond the main characters thanks to it building the character dynamics, and it is shown in this episode as before.

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Sports Day Blues

Horimiya - Sports Day

With fall arriving at Katagiri High, Sengoku and Miyamura make their dread regarding Sports Day clear, and these aren't for any lack of trying or even laziness. In the case of Miyamura, it's shown he just hasn't had that many positive experiences at Sports Day. Sengoku, so far, has been shown that he's usually not the kind of guy who wants to stand out, let alone be in Sports Day which explains why he felt a lot of dread at the beginning of the episode. However, a surprise, albeit more subtle dread appears in Sakura, who is mostly anxious about her cheerleading skills being mediocre in front of Sengoku.

While these character traits are made clear, and Miyamura in particular seemed anxious and wanting sports day to just be over Kyoko encourages Miyamura to try his best on Sports Day despite not being anything like an athlete, giving him hope that it will be a fun time. Sakura, meanwhile, is given support by Yoshikawa on how to practice her cheerleading rhythm and sense of beat, which allows the audience to see how well-connected and bonded the characters are with each other as friends. However, despite not aware of this, Sengoku watched from afar and seemed to appreciate the hard work Sakura was putting in. Overall, the entire episode also demonstrates a sense of camaraderie that Sengoku, Sakura, and Remi have while in culinary class. Despite the hijinks, the slice-of-life anime doesn't fail to get to the core of their character and to positively show their strengths and weaknesses. While the rest of the episode usually follows some hijinks and daily life wholesomeness, the episode seems to take the positive direction and setting up suspense for the next episode where sports day will arrive.

Overall Analysis

Horimiya - Cooking Class

Not much happens in this episode after the half-way point of any noteworthiness, but the episode does do what it's supposed to do as a slice-of-life genre, and even more so when it comes to the characters involved. Sakura and Miyamura are given support and encouragement by their respective friends to do their best and practice for Sports Day, which allows the episode to remain lighthearted and easy to follow as we settle with the characters in scenes that weren't in season 1. Of course, the episode needs to be lighthearted as it does a great job of showing the bonds between these characters and introducing us to the student council's antics with each other. Familiarizing with the supporting cast is important for the audience to be able to connect and relate with the characters, as well as providing downtime from Miyamura and Kyoko to feel that the show has living breathing characters with their own feelings and lives outside the main duo.

Horimiya as a whole doesn't forget that the characters have their own lives, as well as different from each other. This is the core trait when it comes to making a cast of characters with varying personalities and feelings about each other in dynamics, it is important for the audience to get some time to learn about them and to relate to them through their own daily struggles and personal feelings. Shown through the characters Sengoku, Sakura, and even with the support of Yoshikawa; Horimiya does not fail to provide yet another lighthearted episode as a set-up to the next one.

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