Behaviour finally answered their players prayers of smooching their beloved killers when they announced Hooked on You during their 6th anniversary broadcast. People were instantly hooked on the idea, with the four killers The Huntress, The Trapper, The Wraith and The Spirit announced, each fitting into a different dating sim role.

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And although each of these options are eligible, there is plenty more room for other killers to join as even monsters deserve love, and with rumors circling regarding potential DLC additions in the future, it seems likely more fan favorites will soon join the roster of.

8 The Legion

Frank of the Legion from Dead by Daylight, looking at the camera in a ready for action pose

Four in one--what could be better than that! The Legion has the potential for some very cool character design and arc with there being multiple of them, and could fit well into the troublemaker archetype with their in-game Dead by Daylight lore depicting them as mischief-makers.

With two men and two women each boasting unique looks and personality quirks that have the potential to be heightened in a romance game, there is an equal division to ensure everyone has an option that appeals to them.

7 The Trickster

TheTrickster from Dead by Daylight, looking straight at the camera in front of a background of colored stage lights and fog

The Trickster is a must-have for Hooked On You, as his dashing good looks and overall killer style attracted a lot of fans, despite his popularity falling off due to his unfavorable play style.

Related: Dead By Daylight: Tips For Playing As The Trickster

But he could still provide a fantastic option in a dating sim with his overall appeal, and his career outside the fog as a talented singer, falling alongside routes in other games such as Zen from Mystic Messenger and Seven from Boyfriend Dungeon. The overall popularity of idols, as well as the industries rules against dating, could create a tragic and theatrical arc.

6 The Executioner

Pyramid Head standing in the courtyard of Midwich, hooks and chains rusting in the background

Better known as Pyramid Head from Silent Hill 2, this mysterious entity has garnered many fans over the years, even some admitting they find him dateable. As far as killers go, there are arguably worse choices--and better ones as well--but his popularity makes him a strong contender to be added.

The strong, silent and murderous type is often a popular choice in dating sims, and that character being Pyramid Head would only be the icing on the cake. Of course, Konami would have to be willing to let the public smooch their beloved mascot.

5 The Artist

The Artist of Dead by Daylight standing in the Eyrie of Crows, looking at her inky limb.

Perhaps one of the most prettily designed characters from Dead by Daylight, it is painfully obvious she deserves her own DLC to add her (and her flock of birds) to the roster. Known as an artist before being taken and warped by the entity, The Artist could be a sensitive and artistic soul looking for her next muse, which the main character could provide.

With a few cute birds thrown into the mix that the player would also have to win the approval of, her route could provide some comic relief and cuteness.

4 The Plague

The Plague standing in a darkened temple, holding her weapon as she looks down at the viewer

Though somewhat sickening in her half-festered appearance and unique killer ability, The Plague could provide an interesting and unexpected choice for certain people. Devout to religion and believing God has a purpose for all, her in-game lore could cast Adiris as festered and ill, and the MC could save her and return her lost beauty.

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Exploring religion in games is always a risk, but as long as the developers take care to treat the material with the delicacy and respect needed, The Plague's route could be the most profound.

3 The Nurse

The Nurse from Dead by Daylight hovers in a moonlit woodland, preparing her special blink attack.

After a long nights work killing and curing, The Nurse could certainly use some downtime on a desert island and every resort needs a medical aid. The Nurse, otherwise known as Sally Smithson would be the ideal fit for this role and gives the option to include a cute scene of her tending to an injury or illness the main character picked up on their island adventures.

Including both the sickened Plague and The Nurse would make for some very interesting subplots involving her trying to purge Adiris of her illness, and depending on whom the character sides with shaping their future romances.

2 The Ghostface

Ghostface from Dead by Daylight, holding a bloody knife in one hand as he waves with his other

Bloody slasher horror and comedy is the marriage that perfectly describes the Scream franchise and its famed mascot, Ghostface. As such, The Ghostface, or rather Danny Johnson according to in-game lore, deserves a spot in the campy and fun Hooked On You.

Licensed from a costume company as opposed to any entry in the Scream franchise, The Ghostface is given a refreshingly unique backstory while including core elements of the iconic slasher killer. Mischevious and fun as well as deadly, Ghostface would be the perfect addition to the zany dating sim.

1 The Entity

The mysterious entity carrying a sacrificed survivor away into the sky

What dating sim would be complete without a secret endgame route to slake residual thirst once all other hearts have been conquered? Here, The Entity would be the perfect addition. Mysterious, quiet and brooding, The Entity would not be the easiest to woo, but the fun is in the challenge, and in lifting the fog of mystery shrouding this supernatural being.

The very reason for killers and survivors alike being spirited into its realm relishing in the torment and lost hope, it would make sense The Entity would investigate why the killers and survivors are now seemingly amicable, or even closer. Players could be given the chance to win the Lovecraftian horror over before it returns everyone to its realm of misery and death.

More: Dead By Daylight: Iconic Killers The Game Should Add Next