Game ZXC recently had the chance to speak with senior developers at Blackbird Interactive about Homeworld 3, the long-awaited threequel with an established cult following. In the 20 years since Homeworld 2 was released to PC, many innovations in gaming have allowed Blackbird developers to draw inspiration from interesting sources.

Homeworld's best-in-class brand of space strategy has always stood out in the genre thanks to a host of unique gameplay features. The fully 3D movement system allows for true verticality in space as ships maneuver above and below one another, while the campaigns of Homeworld games are also notable due to the persistent nature of the player's fleet. The player's fleet is carried over into the next mission, which rewards careful planning while demanding strong strategic adaptability as unexpected threats challenge previously successful fleet compositions. Homeworld is excellent at keeping players thinking on their feet, and extending this philosophy to a challenging roguelike mode is a suitable addition to the game.

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Rory McGuire, Blackbird Interactive's Chief Creative Officer, expressed his fondness for the roguelike genre while talking with Game ZXC. Rory McGuire told us that he tends to play just about every roguelike that comes out, an interest that other team members at Blackbird Interactive share. In particular, he referenced Risk of Rain 2 as an inspiration for Homeworld 3's roguelike mode. Homeworld 3's take on the roguelike approach will feature session-based co-op gameplay similar to Risk of Rain 2, in which players will face off against progressively difficult waves of randomly generated enemy fleets.


Rory McGuire said of Risk of Rain 2's impact on Homeworld 3:

I will say our inspiration is very much so grounded in Risk of Rain 2. We absolutely love that game. And we expect to have some degree of connection to that.

Few details about Homeworld 3's roguelike mode have been revealed to the public so far, although some information can be garnered from Homeworld 3's pages on Steam and the Epic Games Store. The new mode will be approachable solo or with a partner, and players will face a randomized series of combat challenges. Harkening back to Homeworld's persistent fleet campaigns, players will have to carefully compose their fleets in order to survive long-term while earning powerful rewards upon victory. Successful runs will unlock powers that persist between runs, similar to Risk of Rain 2 and other roguelikes where alternate weapons, abilities, and characters can be unlocked for future runs.

The inclusion of a multiplayer roguelike mode with persistent progression is another huge leap for the Homeworld series along with Homeworld 3's all-new cover system, and its presence should add quite a lot to the series' already-high replayability.

Homeworld 3 is currently in development and will be available on PC in the first half of 2023.

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