
  • Homeworld 3's 1.1 update fixed important bugs, including fleet order issues, improving gameplay experience significantly.
  • The update adds new content for Wargames, including new ships, artifacts, challenges, and a Skirmish map, enhancing gameplay diversity.
  • A new Heavy Suppression Frigate unit helps players tackle overwhelming enemy fleets in Wargames, offering a specialized advantage.

Homeworld 3 is the most recent installment in the Homeworld franchise. A new take on the classic strategy gameplay delivered by the previous two games in the franchise. Graphically stunning, with a simpler, slicker gameplay experience, it acts as a fine introduction for new players to the lore of Homeworld.

Homeworld 3: 7 Best Improvements Over The Older Games

Homeworld 3 launched two decades after the release of its predecessor, and as such, the latest game has made a few improvements to older systems.

The 1.1 update for Homeworld 3 is the first major update since the launch of this RTS game in 2024. The game was released with surprisingly few bugs, but there were a few. This update fixes many of these bugs and also adds additional content. In the form of a new ship, additional artifacts, extra challenges for Wargames, and a new Skirmish map.

1 Important Bug Fixes

Solving Some Serious Problems

Important Bug Fixes In Homeworld 1.1 Update

Homeworld 3 was released with surprisingly few bad bugs. However, some of those that it did ship with were a major annoyance. The 1.1 update fixes many of these. The most troublesome bugs were those that had an impact on issuing fleet orders. When deep in battle, it is important to know that units will always do what they are ordered to do. Unfortunately, this was not always the case in Homeworld 3 before this patch.

Homeworld 3: Best Starting Fleets For War Games

Homeworld 3 includes a new game mode, War Games. Players unlock different fleets that they can use in these co-op battles.

Several unit command bugs have been fixed in the 1.1 update for this space RTS. This includes stopping units from switching to the wrong target after using an ability. One of the more bothersome fleet command bugs was units not switching back to guard a target they were assigned to, after exiting combat. This has now been fixed as well.

2 More Content For Wargames

New Artifacts And Challenges Have Been Added

More Content For Wargames In Homeworld 1.1 Update

Wargames is a fantastic new addition to the Homeworld franchise that was introduced in Homeworld 3. This is a roguelike series of interlinked missions, that the player can tackle either solo or with a small group.

Homeworld 3: Best Starting Fleets For War Games

Homeworld 3 includes a new game mode, War Games. Players unlock different fleets that they can use in these co-op battles.

As the player progresses in levels playing Wargames, they unlock new fleets. Depending on which fleet they then choose to use, they are provided a mechanic for tweaking that fleet in the form of artifacts that can be collected. Each new artifact collected enables the player to choose from three randomly selected fleet upgrades. In the 1.1 update, thirteen new artifacts have been added, opening up new options for building a specialized fleet.

There have also been nine new challenges added to Wargames in the 1.1 patch. This means that the player is offered a larger selection of combinations of maps and challenges in any single Wargames run. This is a great addition, as there were far fewer random combinations of maps and challenges before this.

3 Pause In Solo Skirmish And War Games

An Excellent Quality Of Life Improvement

Pause In Solo Skirmish And War Games In Homeworld 1.1 Update

Large fleet battles can become very confusing, very quickly, when playing Homeworld 3. During the campaign, the player always has the option of turning down the speed of the gameplay or pausing the game completely while they queue up new fleet commands. This is a real boon at times. However, neither of these options were available during a Wargames run, or when playing a Skirmish game.

The 1.1 update for Homeworld 3 adds these options. During either a Skirmish game or a Wargames run, the player can now use both the time dilation feature to slow the game down or completely pause the game. However, even when paused, the game still accepts input such as issuing fleet commands and adding items to the build and research queue.

Note though, that this function only works during solo Skirmish matches against AI enemies, or during solo Wargames runs. The game cannot be paused or slowed down during multiplayer games, which is a logical situation.

4 New Karos Graveyard Skirmish Map

A Great Many Resource Nodes

Karos Graveyard Skirmish Map In Homeworld 1.1 Update

Homeworld 3 has two multiplayer modes. One is the aforementioned Wargames scenarios, and these are cooperative games. The PvP competitive multiplayer mode is termed a Skirmish game. A Skirmish match works similarly to most head-to-head real-time strategy games, with two or more players competing for dominance on a single map.

Homeworld 3: Best Ways To Win Skirmish Games

There are a few strategies that Homeworld 3 players can use to help them win skirmish matches.

The Homeworld 3 1.1 update adds a very cool new map that can be used as the basis for a Skirmish match. The new Karos Graveyard is a simple map that promotes an all-out battler, with simple tactics. The map features a profusion of resource nodes and very little in the way of structures and usable cover. Skirmish matches on this map will be all about building as quickly as possible, and winning a war of attrition against enemies. This is a great new addition to the multiplayer strategy aspects of Homeworld 3.

5 Heavy Suppression Frigate

Designed To Chew Up Strikecraft

Heavy Suppression Frigate In Homeworld 1.1 Update

One of the criticisms of the Wargames gameplay mode in Homeworld 3, especially for people who prefer to tackle this challenge solo, is that it is common to become completely outmatched in terms of unit count in the later stages of a run.

Experienced players understand that the trick to completing a full Wargames run in Homeworld 3 is to complete the objectives on each map as quickly as possible so that the AI enemy does not have time to accumulate advanced units and a high volume of ships in their fleet. Unfortunately, for new players who have yet to discover this secret, being constantly overwhelmed before completing a full run could be offputting.

Homeworld 3: Beginner Tips & Tricks

Homeworld 3 is a deep real-time strategy game with lots of mechanics to utilize. Here are some tips and tricks for those getting started.

The new Heavy Suppression Frigate was added in the 1.1 update and should help with this. It is unlocked by one of the thirteen new artifacts added in this update as well. This is a specialized unit that excels in taking down large numbers of small Strikecraft quickly in this real-time strategy game.

homeworld 3-1
Homeworld 3

May 13, 2024
Blackbird Interactive
Real-Time Strategy