Homeworld 3 matches will often have limited resources unless players change the settings for the match beforehand. This limitation on resources makes every ship an important purchase, as they will also be competing with their enemies to gather enough resources before they disappear.

This limitation does require players to think carefully before any use of resources, and luckily the game has a little leeway in letting players undo a decision before a project is finished. Maintaining your economy is vital, as failing to do so will have all projects halted in place, and no new ships being built.

Homeworld 3: 7 Best Hiigaran Ships

The Hiigaran are one of the factions players can choose in Homeworld 3; here are the best ships they have.

How To Maintain Your Economy In Homeworld 3

In the top right corner of the player's screen will be their resource count. As they build new ships and begin research projects, a red negative number will appear under your resources. This negative number represents the total number of resources required to finish up all current in-progress and queued-up projects. When building a ship or completing a research project, the total cost of resources will slowly be pulled from your bank throughout the entire project instead of being used right away.

Your resource count will either move in a positive or negative way depending on how many active projects you have going and how many resource collectors are currently mining. The first step in maintaining your economy is by effectively mining resources in Homeworld 3. As long as you have the maximum resource collectors working at once, you'll be able to handle many projects at once without seeing a decrease in total resources every few seconds. Even with the maximum amount of resource collectors actively mining, your total income can only get so high, and ship production can easily outpace your income.

As a game progresses and players start building units from carriers in Homeworld 3, it can be very easy to bite off more than your economy can chew. The negative number of resources displays the total number of resources required for all queued-up projects, so it's often better to limit how many of a ship are queued up to be built at a time. It may sometimes seem like a good idea to queue up dozens of fighters at once to keep new ones coming out in the heat of battle, but this will quickly drain your bank.

While players can mass-produce units from two carriers and a Mothership, this will lead to a huge negative effect on your resource usage every second. Should you run out of resources, all projects will be halted, and any new resources will be given to one project after another, greatly slowly down the time before the next ship finishes. If you do mass queue up ships to be built, they can be canceled at any time to get a full refund, and this should be done often towards the end of the game when resources are very limited.

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Homeworld 3

May 13, 2024
Blackbird Interactive
Gearbox Publishing