In Homeworld 3, damage done to a ship will stay until that ship is destroyed. It can be checked at any time by selecting that ship and looking at its health bar in the bottom left of the screen. Damage to a ship won't affect how it performs; it only indicates how many more hits it can take before being destroyed.

While it may seem easier to let damaged ships die and build new ones to replace them, both factions can repair ships. Each faction has two methods for repairing a ship, and the size of the ship determines the method needed.

Homeworld 3: Best Group Formations

Formations determine how your ships fly together and what their strengths and weaknesses are in Homeworld 3. Here's which are best.

Homeworld 3: How To Repair Ships As Hiigaran

The Docking Option While Selecting A Control Group

For small ships like Strikecraft and Corvettes, simply have them dock back on your Mothership or a Carrier and undock after a few seconds to be fully repaired. When any number of these smaller ships are selected, the "Dock" button will appear in the bottom right of the screen, hotkeyed to "G." Selecting this command will have the ships fly to the nearest carrier of Mothership and dock to get repairs, with them automatically undocking once the repairs are finished.

Should the ship you want to repair be bigger, like a Frigate or Capital ship, you'll first need to research and build a Support Frigate. The only role a Support Frigate can play is that of a healer, with the Heal command being hotkeyed to "Y." The range on this isn't great, so frontline repairs aren't recommended unless the Support Frigate is surrounded by strong guard ships to draw enemy fire. Healing with a Support Frigate does take longer, but healing a larger ship is much more cost-efficient than building a new one.

Homeworld 3: How To Place Turrets

Turrets can be placed to help defend a section of space in Homeworld 3; here's how they work.

Homeworld 3: How To Repair Ships As Incarnate

The Repair Option On A Resource Collector

Repairing smaller ships as the Incarnate is very similar, as Strikecraft and Corvettes also dock on larger ships to make almost instant repairs, using the same command. The main difference with the Incarnate is that they don't have a Support Frigate and instead repair other ships with Resource Collectors. This trade-off means that Incarnate players can repair ships right at the start of the game with Resource Collectors but will have to pull them away from mining to do so.

Despite the difference in repairing larger ships, Hiigaran players can only build eight Support Frigates at a time, the same number as Resource Collectors for the Incarnate, giving neither side the advantage in repairing ships. Both factions also get carriers at the same pace, offering mobile repair stations for smaller ships.

homeworld 3-1
Homeworld 3

May 13, 2024
Blackbird Interactive
Gearbox Publishing
Real-Time Strategy