Homeworld 3 has multiple game modes for players to play, such as the campaign, skirmish, and War Games. The campaign focuses on the Hiigarans and their fight against various enemies throughout the galaxy without giving players a choice.

War Games offer more freedom in choosing various fleets from both factions, but players start with a Hiigaran fleet and will need to level up a few times before getting access to any Incarnate fleets. Skirmish gives players much more freedom, letting them choose whichever faction they want to play against, either AI enemies, their friends, or other players online. Which Homeworld 3 faction should players choose?

Homeworld 3: Beginner Tips & Tricks

Homeworld 3 is a deep real-time strategy game with lots of mechanics to utilize. Here are some tips and tricks for those getting started.

Hiigaran Strengths

The Hiigaran Fleet Starting Screen

The Hiigaran's first ship available in a game is the Recon Strikecraft. These ships are small and weak on their own, but their low cost makes it easy to mass produce them early into a game to overwhelm your opponent or at least secure more of the map early on. Most Hiigaran shipsspecialize in dealing damage to larger ships, making them pull ahead in later stages of a game when larger Capital and Frigate class ships are in play.

Other standout ships include the Fleet Bomber, which offers a cheap Strikecraft that can easily take down larger ships if left unguarded. While most ships in the Hiigaran fleet focus on single targets, the Suppression Frigate is a great option in dealing with large numbers of Strikecraft for enemies who try to aim toward the faction's weakness.

Homeworld 3: Best Group Formations

Formations determine how your ships fly together and what their strengths and weaknesses are in Homeworld 3. Here's which are best.

Incarnate Strengths

The Incarnate Fleet Starting Screen

The Incarnate focus more on destroying large amounts of smaller ships quickly. While the Incarnate doesn't have as many Strikecraft to choose from, their Dominance Fighter helps this faction excel early into the game, as a Dominance Fighter beats any Hiigaran Stikecraft in a one-on-one. The Incarnate also has a much larger selection of Corvette class ships, which often ends up creating the backbone of your fleet.

The Attack Frigate is a solid all-around option for this fleet and can quickly slow down a large squad of Hiigaran Strikecraft. The Plasma Corvette offers great damage against larger ships and is a great and cheaper option to deal with a Hiigaran producing larger ships early into the game.

Which Homeworld 3 Fleet Should You Choose?

Hiigaran Ships In Combat

Ultimately, it comes down to the types of ships you prefer to use. While each fleet has strengths and weaknesses, they have options to counter any enemy composition and cover any role in battle. It is important to note that Hiigaran fleets have 16 combat ships while the Incarnate only has 15, and more options in a game are always better than less. In Skirmish, players can choose either fleet and play against AI enemies to try out each fleet and their ships to find out what they do and don't like best.

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Homeworld 3

May 13, 2024
Blackbird Interactive
Gearbox Publishing
Real-Time Strategy