
  • Homeworld 3 introduces new game scenarios like War Games, offering interconnected missions for solo or cooperative play with friends.
  • Artifact upgrades in War Games can significantly impact gameplay, enhancing fleet abilities but also requiring strategic choices.
  • Different pattern artifacts like Carrier Guardian, Recon Stinger, and Assault Warden can improve specific ship types in Homeworld 3 's RTS experience.

Homeworld 3 revitalizes the timeless Homeworld real-time strategy experience with a contemporary twist. Emerging more than two decades since the franchise's last installment, this game stands as a pinnacle of immersive RTS gameplay. Boasting an enthralling campaign and demanding mission scenarios, it's a title poised to captivate RTS enthusiasts of all stripes.

Homeworld 3: 7 Best Improvements Over The Older Games

Homeworld 3 launched two decades after the release of its predecessor, and as such, the latest game has made a few improvements to older systems.

War Games introduces a fresh game scenario within Homeworld 3. It offers a rogue-like progression of interconnected missions suitable for solo play or cooperative fun with friends. As players advance, they will unlock artifact abilities that apply bonuses to their fleet. Some of these bonuses stand head and shoulders above the rest.

6 Carrier Guardian Pattern Artifact

Speeding Up Carrier Production

Carrier Guardian Pattern Artifact In Homeworld 3


  • Boosts carrier production speed
  • Carrier DPS reduced by 50%
  • Carrier health reduced by 33%

This is one of the better artifact abilities when playing War Games in Homeworld 3. However, it does make the player’s Carrier paper thin. Choosing this artifact means keeping the carrier out of combat at all times. The role of the Carrier becomes a production base, far away from the battle.

Homeworld 3: Beginner Tips & Tricks

Homeworld 3 is a deep real-time strategy game with lots of mechanics to utilize. Here are some tips and tricks for those getting started.

This artifact is bottom of this list because it takes some skill to remove the carrier from the main combat fleet. Some War Games scenarios are best played by building a protective screen around the Carrier and using it in space combat. In these scenarios, this artifact shouldn’t be chosen. That being said, in co-op mode, if one player takes this artifact ability and is allowed to hoover up most of the resources on the map, they can pump out a great many ships very quickly.

5 Recon Stinger Pattern Artifac

Giving Teeth To Recon Strikecraft

Recon Stinger Pattern Artifact In Homeworld 3


  • Recon strikecraft DPS increased by 100%
  • Recon strikecraft health increased by 50%
  • Recon strikecraft speed increased by 20%
  • Recon strikecraft weapon range reduced by 20%
  • Recon strikecraft population capacity increased by 10.

This is the first of the Recon Stinger upgrade artifacts. Once this artifact is taken, further Recon Stinger upgrades will be added to the random pool of artifacts that can be unlocked during the current War Games run.

On paper, this looks like a fantastic upgrade, as it gives so many bonuses. However, it should be noted that Recon strikecraft are relatively weak, and even a full wing of them will not last long against a handful of assault frigates or similar ships. However, in a co-op game, one player can take this upgrade and take on the role of interdiction.

4 Railgun Corvette Vulcan Pattern Artifact

Extending Railgun Corvette Engagement Range

Railgun Corvette Vulcan Pattern Artifact In Homeworld 3


  • Railgun Corvette rate of fire increased by 33%

Some people may wonder why this artifact ability was included on this list, as it only gives a single bonus to the Railgun Corvette. Well, considering the fact that Railgun Corvette are a) paper thin and b) cheap to build, extending the engagement range helps to keep them alive in this strategy game.

A fill wing of longer-range Railgun Corvette ships can be used as a heavy fighter shield to protect the player’s Carrier in a mission where there is a strong enemy force that repeatedly attacks the carrier. Quite often, the RNG spits out 3 artifact selections that really don’t fit the player’s current fleet build. Selecting something like this upgrade in this situation adds some utility, meaning the artifact unlock is not wasted.

3 Assault Warden Pattern Artifact

Increasing Assault Frigate DPS

Assault Warden Pattern Artifact In Homeworld 3


  • Assault Frigate weapon range increased by 33%
  • Assault Frigate rate of fire increased by 20%
  • Assault Frigate sensor range increased by 20%

This is the first of the Assault Warden artifacts. Assault Frigates are the bread and butter unit for most War Games scenarios in Homeworld 3. Taking this artifact unlock will add more Assault Warden upgrades to the artifact pool for the War Games run.

Homeworld 3: 7 Best Incarnate Ships

The Incarnate are one of the major factions players can choose from in Homeworld 3. Here are their best ships.

This is a fantastic series of artifacts for solo players, as they are generally going to rely heavily on Assault Frigates in both offensive and defensive roles. The downside of the standard Assault Frigate is its engagement range. This artifact fixes the problem.

2 Warden Upgrade - Determination Artifact

Self-Repairing Assault Frigates

Warden Upgrade - Determination Artifact In Homeworld 3


  • Assault Frigate rate of fire increased by 15%
  • Assault Frigate self-repair enabled

This Warden Upgrade Assault Warden Pattern and will only appear in artifact selection once the previous entry on this list has been chosen. This is another fantastic artifact unlock for solo War Games players.

The extra rate of fire is nice, but it is the self-repair ability that is the major factor with this upgrade. Aside from building a Support Frigate, which takes up frigate population capacity, the player has no way to repair Assault Frigates. This artifact solves the problem elegantly.

1 Interceptor Harrier Pattern Artifact

Toughening Up Interceptors

Interceptor Harrier Pattern Artifact In Homeworld 3


  • Interceptor strikecraft range increased by 150%
  • Interceptor strikecraft health increased by 33%

Interceptors are useful units when playing War Games in Homeworld 3. However, they can struggle against larger targets, such as assault frigates, which tend to cut a full wing to pieces in a few seconds. The Harrier Pattern is a series of upgrades that turn Interceptor strikecraft into tanky damage dealers.

Homeworld 3: 7 Best Hiigaran Ships

The Hiigaran are one of the factions players can choose in Homeworld 3; here are the best ships they have.

This upgrade is the first in the Interceptor Harrier Pattern series of artifacts, and once selected, further linked upgrades will be added to the pool of available artifacts for the rest of the War Games run. If the player is lucky enough to unlock the rest of the artifacts in this series, their Interceptor strikecraft will dominate the battlefield, either playing solo or with friends.

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Homeworld 3

May 13, 2024
Blackbird Interactive
Real-Time Strategy