
  • The Incarnate have multiple middle-sized ships to dominate the mid-game.
  • The Incarnate have a shorter research tree than the Hiigaran and can stay ahead to get bigger ships faster.
  • The Incarnate do have the single best ship in the game that can dominate any enemy.

The Incarnate are one of the factions in Homeworld 3 that players can use in War Games or skirmishes. While they have many similar ships to the Hiigarans, they also have a few unique ones that give them the edge when fighting against the Hiigaran.

While Capital Class ships will often be some of the best that players can build, there are many other choices to fill out the rest of the fleet with. The Incarnate may not have as many Strikecraft as the Hiigaran, they instead have many Corvettes and Frigates to choose from to diversify their fleets.

Homeworld 3: 7 Best Hiigaran Ships

The Hiigaran are one of the factions players can choose in Homeworld 3; here are the best ships they have.

7 Assault Corvette

Strong vs. Strikecraft or Slower Single Enemies

Two Assault Corvettes Hovering In Space
  • Costs 300 RUs
  • 1,600 Hull Health

The Incarnate have a boost to the start of the game as they don't need to research any additional Strikecraft to start research on their first Corvette. This first Corvette is the Assault Corvette which can be quickly built and give Incarnate players an upper hand very early in the game.

These ships do begin to fall off in terms of usefulness once Frigates come into play. The Hiigaran only has access to one Corvette which closely matches this one in terms of strength but it does still outclass all Hiigaran Strikecraft an enemy would have at this point in the game.

6 Attack Frigate

Strong vs. Strikecraft

Two Attack Frigates Hovering Stationary
  • Costs 850 RUs
  • 26,500 Hull Health

The Attack Frigate is the first Frigate players will get access to and acts as a great tank that can draw enemy fire away from squishier allies that focus on dealing damage. Furthering the lead in researching ships the Incarnate have, this ship can be made quickly into the game and has enough Hull Health to outlast an assault from any ship up to this point in the game other than Fleet Bombers.

Homeworld 3: How To Use Cover & Stances

Homeworld 3's 360-degree maps are full of debris and obstructions players can use to their advantage. Here's how to use cover and stances.

This ship can continue to hold its own and should make up the backbone of a fleet even later in the game when Capital Ships are introduced. Its low cost to Hull Health ratio makes it an ideal tank that should lead every Trail formation.

5 Plasma Corvette

Strong vs. Large & Slow Enemies

Two Plasma Corvettes Flying Through Space
  • Costs 350 RUs
  • 1,400 Hull Health

The Plasma Corvette specializes in dealing damage to larger and slower ships and ideally shouldn't be built early into the game when those ships are rare to see. As the game progresses, Plasma Corvettes can be a very cost-effective way of swarming enemy Frigates and even some Capital ships.

Their low cost, short build time, and decent population can let players build swarms of these ships to group together and quickly take down bigger ships at the start of combat. Their size is perfect for not being destroyed by Strikecraft while also still holding up against some of the bigger guns found on enemy ships.

4 Missile Frigate

Strong vs. Strikecraft

Two Missle Frigates Aiming At Enemy Ships
  • Costs 1,000 RUs
  • 22,000 Hull Health

Enemy Hiigaran players will often have swarms of smaller Strikecraft that can cause serious damage if Fleet Bombers are involved. The Missile Frigate is perfect for dealing with these swarms and offers a big enough ship to hold its own against the swarm while also taking it out.

While players won't need many of these in their fleet, it's good to have a few near larger Capital ships or important Frigates to play defensively and counter any swarms. These ships can get deadly when paired with Smart Missile Frigates as the two can take down just about anything an enemy throws at you.

3 Smart Missile Frigate

Strong vs. Large & Slow Moving Enemies

Two Smart Missle Frigates Hovering
  • Costs 900 RUs
  • 18,000 Hull Health

The Smart Missile Frigate is a long-range fighter that focuses powerful missiles on larger enemies. This Frigate does need protection well ahead of it to draw enemy fire as they don't have high health like other Frigates. While it does have low Hull Health for a Frigate, it has a higher Hull Health than its Hiigaran counterpart and can win in a 1v1.

Their range is greater than just about every other ship in the game. The range also makes them great at sniping through the bulk of combat to hit important utility ships hiding behind other enemy ships and providing healing.

2 Carrier

Strong vs. Nothing - Utility Vehicle

The Incarnate Carrier Building Ships
  • Costs 2,200 RUs
  • 65,000 Hull Health

The Carrier acts as a smaller Mothership that can be destroyed without losing the game. Carriers can build their own Strikecraft, Corvettes, and Frigates but still count toward the same total population. Players can build the same ships from their Carrier and Mothership to double production time and resupply entire fleets in just minutes.

Homeworld 3: How To Capture Ships

Players can capture enemy ships and make them their own in Homeworld 3; here's how to do it.

While the Carrier doesn't have many guns to make it useful in combat it does have a few turrets that can keep a few Strikecraft away. Having a Carrier positioned behind your main forces can not only help get more ships back into combat but also act as a close option to dock at and quickly repair ships without flying all the way to the Mothership.

1 Battlecruiser

Strong vs. Everything

An Incarnate Battlecruiser Leaving The Mothership
  • Costs 3,200 RUs
  • 130,000 Hull Health

The Battlecruiser is worth dozens of ships all on its own. It will require a lot of time and resources to research and build but it will all be worth it as this ship decimates any enemies before it. This ship has incredible Hull Health, the highest in the game, that makes it perfect to lead the charge and break through enemy lines to draw in fire and protect smaller ships as they disperse and attack the enemy.

This ship has the biggest guns in the game, making it ideal for attacking the enemy Mothership with. Having this with a few specific guards like the Missile Frigate and Resource Collector to heal it can quickly lead to an unstoppable force that will require the enemy's Battlecruiser just to stop.

homeworld 3-1
Homeworld 3

May 13, 2024
Blackbird Interactive
Gearbox Publishing