
  • An engaging storyline and campaign in Homeworld 3 suck you in like never before, with high-quality briefings and a Battlestar Galactica feel.
  • Vastly improved graphics bring Homeworld 3 into the modern era, while maintaining the recognizable Homeworld flavor.
  • Homeworld 3 simplifies gameplay with a more intuitive UI, smoother tutorial, and reworked map, making it more accessible and fun.

In an era when game developers often try to merge multiple genres into a single game, Homeworld 3 is a breath of fresh air. This is a title that knows its roots, and builds on them in a way that results in refined gameplay, delivering classic real-time strategy action, with a "just one more mission" kind of addictiveness.

Homeworld 3: Beginner Tips & Tricks

Homeworld 3 is a deep real-time strategy game with lots of mechanics to utilize. Here are some tips and tricks for those getting started.

The original Homeworld was released over two decades ago, back in the heyday of RTS games. Nothing here is intended to detract from the achievements of Homeworld and Homeworld 2. They might look a little dated now, but they were at the forefront of strategy gaming in their day. However, Homeworld 3 is a vast improvement over both titles, and makes numerous improvements in areas where its predecessors struggled.

7 Engaging Game Intro And Storyline

Prepare To Be Hooked

Engaging Game Intro In Homeworld 3

When Homeworld was released in 1999, it was competing with iconic RTS games from major developers. Games such as Command & Conquer: Tiberian Sun, which featured full motion video cutscenes, and leveraged established narrative lore. In comparison, the intro and subsequent storyline of Homeworld seemed a little weak.

Homeworld 3 doesn’t repeat this mistake. From the first few seconds of the intro video, and heading into the campaign, the player is engaged in a way the previous titles never achieved. Almost instantly, the player will begin to empathize with Imogen S’jet and her minions, which they likely never did with Karen S’jet in the original game.

The campaign is similarly more engaging. It has a distinctly Battlestar Galactica feel to it. The storyline in the older titles was good, but it never sucked the player in the way that Homeworld 3's campaign does.

6 Vastly Improved Graphics

It Looks Stunning

Vastly Improved Graphics In Homeworld 3

Graphically, both of the previous Homeworld games were pretty good back when they were released. The remastered versions from 2015 gave them a minor graphical overhaul, but they were showing their age by this point.

Homeworld 3: 7 Best Incarnate Ships

The Incarnate are one of the major factions players can choose from in Homeworld 3. Here are their best ships.

Homeworld 3 manages to keep the old Homeworld graphical flavor, but delivers it using up-to-date technology, with much greater definition. It is still recognizably a Homeworld game, but it looks and feels up to date with modern visuals. This is most obvious in the level of detail given to mission maps, especially the maps that involve flying a fleet across a vast landscape.

5 Simpler Tutorial

Learning Homeworld Used To Be Hard

Simpler Tutorial In Homeworld 3

One of the major attractions of the original Homeworld games was their complexity. With the ability to manage everything down to the formation that fleets use, these were not simple games to learn. The problem was exacerbated by the rather rudimentary tutorials included in the older games.

The Homeworld 3 tutorial is much easier to get through, and doesn’t bombard the player with too much information in one data dump. Instead, it teaches the player just enough to get started with the campaign. The campaign then covers more advanced topics at appropriate stages, making the learning process much smoother.

4 Engaging Briefings

We Got This

Engaging Briefings In Homeworld 3

It has already been mentioned that the storyline and campaign in the older games were somewhat weak compared to other RTS games of the time. Homeworld 3 fixes this. Prepare to be sucked in by interesting and engaging mission briefings.

The background situation for the mission is explained, the goals defined, and any particular risks or tactical challenges are highlighted. All of this is done with high-quality video cutscenes. The result is that the player becomes invested in the goals of the mission, rather than seeing it as just one more battle to be completed on the road to the end-game.

3 Great New War Games Mode

Could Have Been A Standalone Game

Great New War Games Mode In Homeworld 3

Homeworld 3 adds a new gameplay mode called War Games. This mode is incredibly addictive, and would likely stand up as a standalone game release on its own merits, had it not been included in Homeworld 3. This is a Roguelike string of missions that can be tackled solo or in co-op with a group of friends.

Homeworld 3: 7 Best Hiigaran Ships

The Hiigaran are one of the factions players can choose in Homeworld 3; here are the best ships they have.

The player levels up based on the experience they earn, and can unlock six different starting fleets and a whole host of other benefits, such as additional artifacts. Artifacts are special ability unlocks that last through the entire War Game run. They add bonuses such as additional damage for certain ship types, more defenses for the player’s carrier, and much more.

2 Simpler Map

Finally, It Makes Sense

Simpler Map In Homeworld 3

Due to the complexity of the older games, the map could often become an overwhelming visual mess. It was very easy to lose concentration and be left staring at the map trying to decide what to do next. Mission targets were not clearly marked, and simply moving around the map to locate units could be a problem for new players.

The Homeworld 3 map has very obviously been reworked to make a lot more sense. Mission objectives are clearly marked, and units are much easier to locate. Furthermore, the way the terrain and other map features are represented is much clearer.

1 Slick New UI

By Far The Best Change

Slick New UI IN Homeworld 3

Anyone who has played the original games will remember how complicated the user interface was. These are complex games, and the UI needed to be able to accomplish a lot. However, learning the UI took some time, and this, no doubt, stopped some people from enjoying the game past the first few missions.

7 Strategy Games That Offer The Best Value For Money

Some strategy games offer exceptional value for money, due to replayability or the length of the main campaign.

Homeworld 3 has done an amazing job of improving the UI over what was in the older titles. It is entirely different. Players of Stellaris will instantly be able to navigate the new UI, as it is very similar. This has made playing the game much more instinctual and, basically, fun. No more trying to remember what to click to get to a specific fleet option or build queue. Instead, everything is on the screen in one place, and easy to access.

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Homeworld 3

May 13, 2024
Blackbird Interactive
Real-Time Strategy