In Homeworld 3 players can split their fleet up into many different control groups. Using Control Groups allows players to better micro-manage their ships and make sure they are attacking specific ships' weaknesses with their own strengths.

Whenever multiple ships are selected players are able to set them in a formation. While this visually changes how those ships fly together it will also offer them various strengths and some weaknesses depending on the formation.

Homeworld 3: How To Salvage Ships

Salvaging Ships is a useful way to obtain more resources late into a game of Homeworld 3; here's how to do it.

Best Formations For Strikecraft In Homeworld 3

Strikecraft In The Delta Formation




Dominance Fighter


Fleet Bomber

Strikecraft are smaller ships with weak hulls but specialize in hitting their enemies quickly before evading incoming attacks and lining up another shot. The best overall Formation for Strikecraft is Delta as it keeps them evenly spaced out to avoid AOE attacks while not compromising their damage output.

Another useful Strikecraft formation is Claw as it focuses their firepower, especially against rival Strikecraft which they will more often than not be engaging. Stirkecraft are also the one class of ships that function fairly well with no formation at all when specifically fighting enemy Strikecraft. While it will erupt battles into pure chaos, it will see your ships destroying enemy ships all at once instead of only focusing on one at a time and wasting shots.

Homeworld 3: How To Farm Resources Effectively

Farming resources is key to building and upgrading your fleet in Homeworld 3; here's how to do it effectively.

Best Formations For Corvettes & Frigates In Homeworld 3

A Group Of Corvettes & Frigates In The Cross Formation



Railgun Corvette

Assault Corvette

Ion Cannon Frigate

Plasma Corvette

Suppression Frigate

Disruption Corvette

Torpedo Frigate

Attack Frigate

Multi-Beam Frigate

Missile Frigate

Smart Missile Frigate

Corvettes and Frigate operate similarly in combat and sacrifice their mobility to focus on stronger hulls and better weapons. Arguably the best formation for ships like these is the Sphere which can decimate even a Capital Ship. This formation will have all selected units circle and begin firing on an enemy, spacing out while concentrating all fire on a single target.

The Cross achieves a lot of the same goals but keeps your ships on one side of the fighting and is perfect for setting up support and utility ships behind to give them easy access to the entire fleet.

Best Formations For Mixed Groups In Homeworld 3

A Bunch Of Ships In The Trail Formation

Capital ships didn't get their own section as players often won't have enough for their own control groups and are best when supported in any of the following formations. The Trail is one of the better options for mixed groups of ships no matter the makeup. While it does put your larger ships front and center to get shot first, this will protect smaller ships that can then jump into the fighting after the initial volley of shots and abilities. The Wedge achieves the same goal but will put those smaller ships a bit closer to the front and in a bit more danger.

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Homeworld 3

May 13, 2024
Blackbird Interactive
Gearbox Publishing