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Frequently compared to FromSoftware's games, Hollow Knight took the gaming world by storm upon its release in 2017. Players will step into a dilapidated insect kingdom, ravaged by an Infection that even the rulers have since abandoned.

As they traverse through the forgotten pathways and crumbling remains of a once-great kingdom, Hollow Knight players will uncover the truth of Hallownest’s fate, locked away behind mystery and time. But Hallownest isn’t for the faint of heart. The challenges ahead can be tough and the road to glory may not always be kind.

For those that want an edge before jumping in, here are five Hollow Knight tips for any new player to get them ready for the challenges ahead.

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Every Geo Counts

Hollow Knight Gathering Swarm as shown in Sly's shop

Geo is the currency used in Hallownest and is earned through multiple means. Players will notice right away that they will earn Geo after killing regular enemies and filling their Soul meter when they land a successful hit. There are also caches of Geo scattered around the map that can be accessed by hitting them repeatedly to dislodge and ultimately break the condensed money to be collected.

Money becomes much easier to earn as the story progresses and the world opens up, but players may initially find it difficult to build up their Geo. It is often the case that Geo will fall into inaccessible areas, such as spikes or thorns, which is where the Gathering Swarm charm comes into play.

When equipped, this charm will generate a small swarm of insects that will collect any stray Geo and carry it to the Knight. This is most helpful when saving up for higher ticket items such as the Lumafly Lantern, which will run players 1800 Geo.

Gathering Swarm can be purchased from Sly in Dirtmouth after the player interacts with him in the abandoned village at the bottom of the Forgotten Crossroads; past the Gruz Mother and close to Salubra’s shop.

Follow the Humming

Hollow Knight Cornifer in the Fungal Wastes

Players will quickly discover that Hallownest, despite being an insect kingdom, is quite large, and navigating can often be tricky as the world continues to open up. This is why Cornifer, the ever-joyful cartographer, is the best friend any player can ask for.

Cornifer can be found in a set location for every area of the map that the player can explore. Players should listen out for humming as they enter a new area to get an idea of where Cornifer has set up his temporary settlement, which will get louder as they get closer, and eventually there will also be a literal paper trail leading to him. With how winding and confusing some paths can be, it is always worth purchasing a map from Cornifer while on the move.

Some events will trigger Cornifer to leave his usual spot, and in his place will instead be a small card from the mapmaker to the player. He explains that he couldn’t stick around, and that players should instead head over to Dirtmouth, where the respective map in question can be purchased from his and Iselda’s shop.

Down Slash Exists

Hollow Knight using down slash on mushroom in Fungal Wastes

Combat and exploration are two of the pillars of Hollow Knight, and players' most valuable tool is their nail. Players can execute precise maneuvers with the nail, one of which is the down slash, which is useful both in and out of combat.

In combat, players can swipe at enemies while jumping over them to avoid damage but continue to keep the pressure on. Outside of combat, however, the down slash technique is incredibly advantageous for platforming, but it takes some practice to get used to. Equipping charms such as Longnail or Mark of Pride can make the down slash easier to perform as it allows a little more time for the player to react.

Players should take the time out to consistently execute “pogo-ing” as it becomes essential to traverse certain areas, such as in the Fungal Wastes where players can bounce on mushrooms to launch the Knight to greater heights. It can also be used to pass over spikes that would otherwise harm the Knight or even the Garpedes in Deepnest to reach a Vessel Fragment.

Obstacles will be Overcome

Hollow Knight getting destroyed by Nightmare King Grimm

Combat in Hollow Knight can be a challenge and some fights will humble the player. However, these encounters are not designed to be impossible and players should expect to approach fights with a degree of patience to defeat bosses.

With practice, it becomes easier to determine whether the best move at the moment is to use soul to heal or to fire off a spell, or which direction to dash when avoiding attacks, or even when the best time to get in a hit.

Every enemy in the game has a pattern that can be followed and taken advantage of, but the process of learning these patterns is what takes time. The Knight will gain more abilities as the game progresses, and players will also gain more familiarity of how combat functions as a whole.

Players should consider the number of mask shards the Knight has, what charms they have at their disposal and if it’s worth going for a nail upgrade if an encounter is proving too difficult. There is definitely an element of trial and error in Hollow Knight, but builds are versatile and should be played around with to fit the player’s style.

Backtracking Yields Rewards

Hollow Knight using the Crystal Heart ability

The game is first and foremost a Metroidvania, meaning that not every area will be immediately accessible to the player. Instead, players are encouraged to return to areas that they have already cleared when they have obtained new abilities that will increase their exploration options.

For example, there are multiple instances in earlier areas that have platforms that seem unfairly just out of reach or even hidden paths that cannot yet be crossed. It is likely that the player will need to obtain one of the many abilities that are hidden around Hallownest to reach these places.

In many cases, players will uncover items, Lifeblood cocoons, or even shortcuts that will make traveling between areas that much easier in the long run.

Iselda has several types of map markers available for purchase in her shop in Dirtmouth, which players can use to make note and keep track of points of interest.

Hollow Knight is available on PC, PlayStation 4, Switch, and Xbox One.

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