
  • Silksong aims to exceed expectations by combining the feel of the original Hollow Knight with a new world and characters.
  • The long development time of Silksong is stirring anticipation and speculation among fans, fueling nostalgia for the previous game.
  • Team Cherry can leverage the nostalgia for Hollow Knight by including references and content that resonate with players.

Hollow Knight: Silksong has been anticipated by many of Team Cherry's fans, and the developer intends to deliver content that surpasses the original. Although Silksong's long development time has left a question mark on the game's actual release date, it has also left fans speculating about what they should be looking forward to. With so many years passing between the original Hollow Knight and Hollow Knight: Silksong, having the next game reference a lot from its predecessor may benefit it now more than it would have before.

Based on what was displayed when the game was revealed in 2019, Silksong has managed to retain the feel of the original while effectively introducing its new world and characters. Although there have been small reveals like characters from The Caravan and a soundtrack preview since then, there has yet to be any detailed major news regarding the game's content. With speculation brewing during Silksong's long development time, multiple references to Hollow Knight in its successor title may be more appreciated by players now than before. The wait may be long, but it could be advantageous for Team Cherry as it can be used to capitalize on the nostalgia for the previous game to generate more anticipation for the next.

Hollow Knight: Silksong Has a Perfect Opportunity to Include Its Own Soulslike NPC Summons

While helpers were a relatively small part of the original Hollow Knight, Silksong could elevate them into one of its defining features.

Why Players Would Look Forward to Hollow Knight References Even More Today

The nostalgia of those who have traversed the world of Hollow Knight years ago will likely have players looking forward to the possibilities of what Silksong may reference. The amount of time that has passed has built up that feeling of longing for the return of what people were captivated by in the first game. Even now, fans speculate about who or what they might encounter again in the kingdom of Pharloom. Given the numerous expectations, there are a few examples of what could return or at least be mentioned in the next game, including:

  • The fate of The Knight from the previous game
  • Memorable figures such as The Seer and The Hunter who provide valuable in-game items and stories of previous events
  • A possible continuation of the events after Hollow Knight's "Embrace the Void" ending
  • Mister Mushroom as the "Passing of the Age" ending from the previous title stated that his story would be continued
  • Important areas of Hallownest, like the Deepnest or the Temple of the Black Egg

Although things with more meaning in Hollow Knight will have more of an impact if they return or are referenced, even those with little ties can generate a reaction from returning players. With Silksong still stewing in silence, Team Cherry will have more time to figure out the best things to include that fans will be delighted about when rediscovered.

How References Could Lead to More Content for Silksong

The next game's long development time must mean that Team Cherry will have already created exciting content to fill the new world. However, Silksong's Pharloom could have ties to Hallownest, meaning the developers can use it to introduce future DLC to expand what's already available.

For example, references to characters like Salubra can be used to tease the possibility of revisiting familiar locations to obtain powerful charms or other items. Something like this can be used to answer whatever questions players have about the fates of beloved characters and places while giving them more things to work toward. It can also provide DLC opportunities that reintroduce old enemies or bosses, giving the game more content that will make it feel like a true sequel longtime fans can connect with.

Hollow Knight: Silksong's kingdom of Pharloom has the benefit of using what made Hallownest and its inhabitants so beloved by the fans. Though the feeling of nostalgia can help generate interest in returning players, it is something that the game should not heavily rely upon. With the right number of references or returns and proper implementation, Team Cherry can effectively create a title whose quality surpasses its predecessor.