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One of the driving forces behind the events of Hollow Knight is the strange, encroaching infection that began taking over the land of Hallownest. By the game's conclusion, not only would players understand where this infection originated, they were also able to effectively defeat it. As players are set to revisit the world with Hollow Knight: Silksong, attention is turning to what new threat Hornet will face after successfully overcoming the infection.

Despite several trailers and early gameplay footage, not much is known about Hollow Knight: Silksong's plot, nor its major threats. While Hornet winds up in Pharloom against her will, it isn't clear what story is unraveling there for her to discover. Predicting the game's new antagonist and how it might involve Hornet could help prepare players the upcoming sequel - especially since Silksong is shaping up to be a significant departure from Hollow Knight.

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A Bigger Role For The Weavers

Hollow Knight SIlksong Hornet vs Guard

Though the Weavers made a minor appearance in Hollow Knight, their role was cut back during development as Team Cherry worked to connect its various ideas for the game. As such, it seems that Silksong will be exploring the lore behind the Spider Tribe given much of the new kingdom of Pharloom appears to center around the motifs of silk, weaving, and strings. In Hollow Knight's original code, the Weaver enemies were called "Spider Mages," alluding to a possible mysticism with their race that could carry over into Silksong.

Given the close association of the Weavers to Herrah, and by extension Hornet, delving into Hollow Knight history could provide insight on Hornet's story and explore more about the skills or abilities she might have. Based upon the game's announcement trailer, it's already been shown that she will have some kind of unusual powers. Since Hornet is a hybrid between spider and wyrm, if in Silksong she is entering the home of Herrah, her abnormal abilities and impure bloodline might turn the Weavers against her.

Understanding Pharloom's Folly

The Fifth Line of Pharloom's Folly

While players might see an expanded role for the Weavers in Silksong, they could still be secondary antagonists similar to how the Radiance was the true villain in Hollow Knight. Instead, it is within Pharloom's Folly that the game's real antagonist might be hinted. As the Elegy for Hallownest laid out the first game's plot, it's likely that Pharloom's Folly is providing players an insight into the sequel's premise. The end of the poem in particular suggests a possible impending threat.

The poem alludes to a creature or entity players will encounter in Silksong, something which has been sleeping either within or even below Pharloom for some time. With an abundance of connections between this creature, Herrah, and the Weavers, such as references to "the beast" and sleeping, it is possible that this new creature will be the game's main threat. Whether the story will follow Hornet as she attempts to prevent this creature from awakening, or if she will be fighting others to prevent them from controlling it, the poem suggests this creature waking up will spell the end of Pharloom.

Such a creature has seemingly inspired both fear and reverence, with some writing poetry to forewarn others of the impending threat, to those like the Weavers who could be its followers. There are plenty of Silksong fan theories, and it could be the Spider Tribe's connection to the kingdom extends further than this creature, too. For now, it remains to be seen who will be the real threat in Hollow Knight: Silksong.

Hollow Knight: Silksong is in development for PC, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

MORE: How Hollow Knight: Silksong is Improving Upon the Original