Despite its notoriously long development cycle, Hollow Knight: Silksong is still highly anticipated. There may not be any release date in sight, but there are still plans to release Silksong when it's finally ready. With its predecessor being one of the most successful indie releases in the past decade, Silksong has a lot to live up to, but it also has the same problem to face as another indie hit.

Blasphemous 2 may not be as much of a mainstream success as Hollow Knight, but it and its predecessor are fantastic indie titles with beautiful imagery and a fascinating world, giving both franchises common ground. Although Blasphemous 2 has the benefit of being released, once Silksong launches, the two titles are going to meet a fork in the road when it comes to the continuation of their respective franchises.

Hollow Knight Fans Are Disappointed After Summer Showcases

After a series of summer game showcases, fans eagerly awaiting the highly anticipated Hollow Knight sequel are left disappointed.

Silksong and Blasphemous 2 Have a Choice to Make With the Future of Their Franchises

Silksong's developer, Team Cherry, and Blasphemous 2's developer, The Game Kitchen, now have a huge decision to make about the next move. The main question lies in whether both studios should continue with third installments or if these developers should introduce a new IP to their rosters. Silksong and Blasphemous 2 hold the future of their franchises at the moment, and that's sure to be a daunting yet thrilling position.

Blasphemous 2 is at a Crossroads

Following its fantastic first installment, Blasphemous 2 launched to overwhelmingly positive reviews, bringing an even stronger Metroidvania experience to gamers. Blasphemous 2 is a great balance of horror and action, and it's understandable how many players could be left wanting more. The Game Kitchen has now established itself as a highly capable developer, so there is a huge choice to make about what game it wants to produce next.

On the one hand, it would be fantastic to see a third Blasphemous chapter brought to life, but on the other hand, it would be intriguing to see The Game Kitchen take a swing at an all-new story. Blasphemous is a stand-out franchise in the Metroidvania genre, which would be sad to see end. However, The Game Kitchen could potentially have something even more unique up its sleeve.

What Silksong's Development Woes Could Mean For the Franchise

Silksong and Blasphemous 2 have the same choice to make but for different reasons. Blasphemous 2 could continue its franchise right now, but Silksong's long development could dictate Team Cherry's next move. At this rate, a third Hollow Knight game would be at least a generous five years away after Silksong. That means it's up to Team Cherry to decide whether it wants to pursue a simpler IP that could be developed quicker or invest fully in a Silksong follow-up, regardless of how long or ambitious that development phase would turn out to be.

Silksong' s absence from recent industry showcases is disappointing, but there is still the chance of a long-awaited update at this year's Game Awards.

When it comes to Hollow Knight's franchise, Silksong's extended production has become the biggest talking point about the game. Delays and lack of updates aside, Team Cherry has a lot of weight on its shoulders for just a three-person development team, so it's important to remember the hard work being put into the game. Crafting a follow-up to such a beloved game like Hollow Knight is no easy task, but the team is hopefully considering what moves to make next when Silksong makes its eventual debut.

Both games are some of the best indie releases of this generation, and they both deserve to live on. Still, it also may be the better choice for Team Cherry and The Game Kitchen to go back to the drawing board for something fresh.