Released in 2017 to critical acclaim, Hollow Knight quickly became a cornerstone of the indie gaming scene. Its success stemmed from several factors, but a key element was its fascinating cast of bug-like creatures and ensuing boss battles. Curiously, even though there are over 150 enemies in Hollow Knight, the developer reserved special attention for one foe in particular.

Team Cherry, despite being just a three-person team, demonstrates exceptional quality and dedication in its work. While this commitment can be seen throughout Hollow Knight, there's some unique attention given to Dung Defender, a bizarre but strangely endearing boss. Though he is just one of many bosses, he stands out as one of the game's most memorable aside from the implication of his name.

One Hollow Knight Feature Could Make Hades 2 Even More Replayable Than The Original

Hades 2 is already showing a lot of promise, and Supergiant Games can make it even more replayable with one feature inspired by Hollow Knight.

Why One Boss Reigned Supreme in Hollow Knight

How a Developer's Love Shaped The Dung Defender in Hollow Knight

While Dung Defender's fighting tactics are unconventional, his character holds a surprising amount of depth. According to a 2016 Team Cherry post, this preferential treatment stems from Ari Gibson, Hollow Knight's co-director and art director, who is fond of the character. As Gibson's favorite, Dung Defender's narrative exemplifies how well-crafted Hollow Knight's lore is, even for seemingly less serious combatants.

"This preferential treatment stems from Ari Gibson, Hollow Knight 's co-director and art director, having a particular fondness for the character."

Defeating Dung Defender in the Royal Waterways is crucial to unlocking further areas of the map, like Isma's Grove. He's memorable not just for his iconic OST, booming voice, and unique dung-flinging fighting style, but also for his valiant efforts in the face of overwhelming odds. As detailed in the lore, Dung Defender was once known as Olgrim, a revered member of the Five Great Knights tasked with protecting the kingdom.

While little is known about the specific deeds of Hollow Knight's Five Great Knights, it's been confirmed that after the infection became more deeply rooted within Hallownest, the unaffected Dung Defender took it upon himself to safeguard the waterways and its inhabitants. Tragically, the loyal protector was all that stood between the infection and the kingdom's vulnerable water supply. Notably, some have called into question whether his strong sense of duty blinded him to the true state of the ruined kingdom.

Dung Defender Was So Well-Liked That Team Cherry Brought Him Back For A Second Round

Hollow Knight Hidden Dreams DLC

Game-play-wise, though Dung Defender is an enjoyable boss fight, he's one of the easier ones to conquer. As such, Team Cherry brought the character back as the White Defender during the 2017 "Hidden Dreams" update. Serving as the Dung Defender's Dream form, the White Defender retains the core mechanics of the original fight but boasts enhanced strength and a few additional dung-based attacks.

After defeating the White Defender five times, players unlock a special dialogue sequence where he wonders aloud when the King will return, and if The Knight could also become a member of the Five Great Knights. Interestingly, if players choose to return to the Dung Defender's den after this exchange, he'll no longer be there. While fan theories suggest The Knight was able to free him from his trance-like state of protecting Isma's Grove and the waterways, Team Cherry has not confirmed what became of him. Regardless, Dung Defender's existence in the "Hidden Dreams" content pack is a welcome one, and likely largely thanks to Ari Gibson's fascination with the character.

Before a patch went live in 2018, players could defeat White Defender more than five times. Despite this, his special dialogue sequence remains unchanged.