
  • The Dung Defender from Hollow Knight could make a comeback in Silksong, adding a familiar and charming element to the sequel.
  • Since he was spared from death in the first game, there is no reason that the lovable boss cannot show up again in some capacity in Silksong.
  • Team Cherry's decision to spare the Dung Defender hints at its love for the character, something that could possibly lead to his return in the sequel for more fun encounters.

Hollow Knight: Silksong has a lot to live up to when compared to its predecessor, and one of those main high bars to achieve is with the game's bosses. The wait for Hollow Knight: Silksong has grown to become a development cycle filled with anticipation, and as the wait continues, it's hard not to speculate on what the game's combat will be like compared to the likes of Hollow Knight.

The release of Hollow Knight back in 2017 brought forth one of the best new Metroidvania titles in recent memory, and despite the game's beautifully cute art style, it proved to be an incredibly fun challenge with its combat. A sequel was announced two years later by developer Team Cherry, and the wait for Silksong is hopefully a sign that the game will be better than ever, especially when it comes to boss fights. There is a variety of great bosses players are faced with in Hollow Knight, but one of the game's strangest and most charming bosses could end up making a comeback.

Hollow Knight: Silksong's Silk Soul Game Mode Explained

Hollow Knight: Silksong will feature a challenging postgame mode called Silk Soul, and it won't just be its predecessor’s Steel Soul Mode again.

Hollow Knight's Strangest Boss Could Return

Hollow Knight is filled with exceptional boss fights, and as they each present their own challenge, one of the more unique bosses in the game has no barrier to returning in Silksong. It's likely that Team Cherry is working to make boss fights in Silksong even better, and the Dung Defender from Hollow Knight could be an exciting way for Silksong to revisit something from its predecessor.

Nothing Is Holding The Dung Defender Back

The Dung Defender was one of the most memorable bosses featured in Hollow Knight. His jovial spirit and infectious personality made him an incredibly charming boss to face. However, despite players having to fight the Dung Defender, he's not actually killed at the end of the battle like most bosses. The Dung Defender revels in combat, and with him being so lovable, it's a little bit of a relief that he's never actually killed in Hollow Knight. When returning to his area, the Dung Defender is still in his room relaxing, which is a rare thing for Hollow Knight. As most bosses are left completely dealt with after a fight, Dung Defender is safe and sound, but this also means he could show up again.

The Dung Defender's cheerful singing and hearty laugh during combat made the boss incredibly memorable, as players were tasked with dodging the beetle's flying balls of dung. It would be exciting to see how Team Cherry goes about making such a fun and odd character even better.

Silksong Featuring The Dung Defender

Although this fun and lovable boss was spared from death in Hollow Knight, this also means that he could ultimately show his face again in Silksong. With the world of Hollow Knight being filled with fascinating characters and lore, it would be exciting to see some aspects from the first game return to Silksong, and the Dung Defender is the perfect boss to reappear in the sequel. Getting to relish another fight with one of the most delightful bosses in the first game would be thrilling, and it would be a great moment for those who are attached to the character. Team Cherry choosing to spare the Dung Defender also shows that even the developers have a lot of love for him, so it would only make sense to see him reappear down the road.

Even if not in a boss fight, getting to revisit the Dung Defender during the events of Silksong's story would be a great moment that connects the first game and the sequel even further. There has been a lot of silence surrounding Silksong's development, but since Team Cherry is an incredibly small team, it could be a good sign that the studio is just making sure that the game is truly something special. Taking so much time to work on the project is hopefully a sign that the wait will be worth it, and surprises like encountering the Dung Defender again would give the sequel some standout moments.