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There is a good reason Hollow Knight has become one of the biggest indie game success stories of the last few years. As narratively engrossing as it is challenging, the game excels in practically everything it does. While there is clearly a lot to enjoy, where the game really earns its accolades can be found in quests like "Delicate Flower," which deftly mixes both worlds, mechanics and story, to create something truly compelling.

Finishing any quest in Hollow Knight can be an incredibly tricky endeavor, but "Delicate Flower" is one of the hardest. Even with the following guidance, successfully completing this delivery request will require equal measures of planning, patience, and luck.

Related: Hollow Knight: All Bench Locations

Where to Find the 'Delicate Flower' Quest


The Delicate flower quest is located in the Resting Grounds. To reach the Grey Mourner, who gives the quest, the Knight must first break through the coffin at the bottom of the Resting Grounds main chamber. To do this, use the Descending Dark spell.


Jump in the open grave to reveal a subterranean area. Follow the path on the map to reach the Grey Mourner's hut.

Preparing for the Delicate Flower Quest


Placing the Dreamgate

Before embarking on the Delicate Flower quest, the first step the Knight should take is placing the Dreamgate just outside the home of the Grey Mourner. This will allow the knight to immediately return if the flower is destroyed.

To acquire the Dreamgate, simply visit the Seer once the Knight has collected 900 essence. Place the Dreamgate by holding Down on the D-Pad while also holding the button associated with the Dream Nail. Using the Dreamgate costs 1 essence, and does not reset enemies.

Choosing the best Charms

While there isn't any single 'best' charm loadout for this or any other quest, there are a couple general guidelines that can bolster the Knight's chances for success. Here are some areas to consider:

  • Damage Output: The Knight will benefit immensely from being able to take out enemies as quickly as possible. Fully upgrading the Nail and using Fragile/Unbreakable Strength will make clearing areas much quicker. Nailmaster's Glory is a great way to make high-damage nail arts a more viable choice.
  • Keep Your Distance: Any charm that can enhance the Knight's ranged abilities should be considered. Grubberfly's Elegy adds a ranged attack to every swing of the nail. It is highly recommended here. Shaman Stone increases spell power while Spell Twister lowers their soul cost.
  • Know Your Location: Though it may seem obvious, make sure to use Wayward Compass to keep track of the Knight's progress.
  • Overcharm!!!: This is one instance when there is no reason not to overcharm. Taking any damage will end the run anyway, so there is no reason not to take advantage of the mechanic.

Leave charms like Dreamshield, Weaversong, and Grimmchild packed away for this quest. Having external elements that the Knight does not control can be a massive liability in certain areas of the route.

Clearing a Path

While it is not necessary to successfully complete this quest, taking a test run through the Knight's chosen route can have multiple benefits. Doing this can help the Knight understand if they currently possess the required abilities to safely complete the route. It allows the Knight to practice any of the trickier platforming section. And most importantly, it allows the Knight to clear as many enemies as possible. Though it doesn't keep all enemies from respawning, many of them will only return if the Knight rests at a bench.

If the player chooses to clear the path before beginning the quest in earnest, DO NOT REST AT A BENCH AFTER COMPLETION. Make sure the desired charms are equipped before taking a test run. Using a bench will reset all enemies.

Final Thoughts on Preparation:

There are some final thoughts to consider before attempting the "Delicate Flower" quest:

  • To have the best chance at completion, it is better to have as many abilities unlocked as possible. Exploring the various routes will reveal which abilities work best with that path. Isla's Tear will likely be required to complete any possible route.
  • Once the Forgotten Crossroads becomes infected, the enemies become far more dangerous. Attempting the quest before this happens is possible, but may result in the Knight not being as formidable at such an early stage in the game.
  • There are three actions that cause the quest to fail:
    • Taking Damage
    • Riding the Stagway (Tram is OK)
    • Using the Dreamgate with the flower in inventory.

Related: 10 Mistakes Everyone Makes While Playing Hollow Knight

How to Complete the Delicate Flower Quest

Best Path Part 1:


Best Path Part 2:


The best route as seen above is not the only way to get to the destination, but it is absolutely the fastest. It is recommended, no matter which route is chosen, that the Knight head through and clear the enemies before accepting the flower. Since this is going to be done anyway, there is no reason not to take the fastest route.

Enemies to Watch For:

These enemies pose the biggest threat to the Knight on his journey to deliver the delicate flower.


Furious Vengefly: In life, these flying creatures are extremely aggressive, but it is in death that they become the biggest threat to this mission. Stay clear of the corpse as it will violently explode after a few moments.


Violent Husk: At first, these little bugs don't look like much of a threat. That doesn't last long. Once they catch a glimpse of the Knight, they will charge and eventually explode, hoping to take the us down with them.


Slobbering Husk: These bugs spit globs of infected liquid at the Knight. Normally they wouldn't pose much of a threat, but it's better to not take any chances here. Take them out with a ranged weapon or spell.


Ooma: In Fog Canyon, a good rule of thumb is 'don't attack anything with a large, orange core.' Popping an Ooma will result in the orange core launching toward the Knight and exploding. It is extremely difficult to avoid the explosion. This enemy respawns as soon as an area is exited.

Ooma Mines: Though they are not listed in the Journal, these ground based jelly-pods have a large orange core and are extremely dangerous. They are found near Ooma and Uoma, and explode on contact. Using spells is a fast way to clear them out. They are seen stuck to the ground directly beneath the Ooma in the above image. These will respawn as well.


Spiny Husk: These tricky little bugs are found in Queen's Garden. At first, they appear to just be covered in shrubs, but quickly reveal a set of orange spikes that erupt from their back. These are then ejected and can catch the Knight from long distance if not careful. Once they have fallen, the husk will grow spikes that can still damage the Knight. Strike the corpse once more to clear it.

While these are hardly the only enemies on the path, they represent the most likely to cause trouble for this specific quest.

Tips for the Final Platforming Challenge in 'Delicate Flower'

When the Knight reaches the final corridor, they will notice it is covered in thorns. This can be a difficult section if not practiced, which is yet another reason to do a test run through the route. If the player finds themselves stuck here, use the following instructions:


Part 1: Do not jump! Simply dash straight across. Make sure the Knight is as close to the edge as possible before dashing, or they may not make the gap.


Part 2: Jump up and left at an angle, then dash when the Knight's cloak is at the level of the tall grass on the landing platform. This can be trickier than it looks and is well-worth practicing before attempting with the flower.


Part 3: Again, do not jump. Simply fall off the ledge, and when low enough, dash to safety. Watch the Knight's head to judge when to dash, making sure it's clear of the thorns. This to can be trickier than it seems, so a practice run is highly recommended.

Final Stop and Rewards for 'Delicate Flower'


Once the final platforming section is complete, the Knight will come upon the delivery location. The story alone makes the quest worth completing, but the Knight will also be rewarded with a mask shard upon returning to the Grey Mourner. Players will also receive the Solace achievement.

Notes on Further Delicate Flower Quests:

Though not mentioned in this quest, once the Knight has planted the flower at the grave, several more will grow next to it. These can be picked and offered to others all around Hallownest.

Hollow Knight is available now on PS4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and PC.

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