
  • Games like No Man's Sky, Cyberpunk 2077, and Final Fantasy 14 made big rebounds after troubled receptions at launch.
  • Hogwarts Mystery's gameplay was ruined by needless microtransactions, but the new expansion seems to be turning its fortunes around.
  • The Beyond Hogwarts update introduces new locations, careers, and a graduate storyline, keeping fans engaged and enticing those who may have stopped playing.

Video games can often suffer underwhelming releases after failing to meet the high expectations of their fans. Regardless of the cause, rebounds are possible, and developers can always correct seemingly catastrophic errors based on initial feedback to create a better experience. Games like No Man's Sky, Cyberpunk 2077, and Final Fantasy 14 had troubled receptions at launch due to major bugs but made big rebounds with desired tweaks. In the case of Hogwarts Mystery, instead of suffering from glitches or a plot filled with holes, its gameplay was ruined by needless microtransactions. However, off the back of its largest expansions to date, gamers seem more than willing to give Hogwarts Mystery another shot.

In the mobile RPG, gamers play as newly admitted students to the Hogwarts School of Wizardry and Witchcraft, creating characters and joining one of Hogwarts' famed houses, setting about tasks that include attending classes, learning spells and potions, playing Quidditch, and forming relationships with the other in-game characters. Mysteries are also begging to be solved within the story while progressing through the plot, much like its more popular competitor, Hogwarts Legacy.

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Hogwarts Mystery's Update Has Turned its Fortunes Around


Before Hogwarts Mystery's debut, there was general excitement in the Harry Potter fanbase as gamers were finally getting to experience the wonders of the iconic school through an avatar. But unlike Hogwarts Legacy, Hogwarts Mystery's release failed to meet expectations as players didn't appreciate paying for just about every essential feature in the RPG.

In-game purchases are a common feature in gaming, but developers often walk a fine line between fun enhancements and getting branded as pay-to-win. For instance, some tasks required in-game currency to complete, as player characters functioned with an energy bar that often ran out in the middle of a quest. Gamers could either wait for the energy bar to replenish or purchase more energy to forge ahead and often needed to restart a task because they didn't pay for the energy refill within eight hours.

Another bone of contention for fans was that Hogwarts Mystery presented a point-and-click adventure dynamic, feeling more like an interactive visual novel instead of the characteristic free-flowing experience the RPG category has seen in the last few years. For example, the Sorting Ceremony is one of the most compelling events for new students, and Hogwarts Mystery underwhelmed fans with this mechanic by making players manually select the House of their choice. Hogwarts Legacy, while letting gamers have the final say on their affiliation, lets the Sorting Hat quiz them and give a recommended house, much like the actual hat.

This oversight and the numerous pay-to-play mechanics drew the ire of diehard Harry Potter fans, and Hogwarts Mystery's reviews were full of criticisms as a result. However, the title wasn't without its merits, and Hogwarts Mystery's plot offered something distinctly different from the cliche stories often deployed in Harry Potter renditions. The Beyond Hogwarts update further accentuates this strength, giving players who complete the seven years of education at Hogwarts the opportunity to graduate. New explorable locations are available, and gamers can make headway in careers such as an Auror, Magizoologist, Healer, or even a secret agent.

Sporting over 25 new chapters, the Beyond Hogwarts update introduces more mysteries and interactions with beloved characters as players experience the magical adventure-filled lives of adult witches and wizards. While fans continue to seek thrills beyond the limits of school grounds as adults, the story will bring them back to Hogwarts, where they will keep interacting with characters and professors canon to the series. With the expansion, Hogwarts Mystery aims to keep loyal fans engaged and entice those who may have previously stopped playing, and the developer might have hit the bullseye judging from the reception.

Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery is out now for mobile devices.

MORE: How Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery Has Evolved Since Its Inception