Hogwarts Legacy is an action role-playing game developed by Portkey Games and published by Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment, set in the famous world of Harry Potter. The game takes place in the late 1800s, long before Harry and his friends were even born, and instead puts players into the shoes of a student at the esteemed Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Hogwarts Legacy is arguably the first Harry Potter game to do justice to the fictional world of J.K. Rowling, and offers players the chance to experience their own unique magical adventure.

Hogwarts has always been one of, if not, the most iconic locations of the wizarding world, being the training ground for many popular and powerful wizards and witches such as Harry Potter and Albus Dumbledore. However, instead of featuring any of the famous wizards and witches, Hogwarts Legacy takes place way before the events of the first Harry Potter Books and stars a new student whose legacy is decided by the players. This is an interesting setting for the game, as it allows players to freely be the kind of wizard or witch they want without interfering with canon events of the franchise.

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The Route That Hogwarts Legacy's Sequel Can Take

Hogwarts Legacy Roaming

Hogwarts Legacy has been a largely successful game for Warner Bros., selling over 15 million copies and grossing over $1 billion in sales. Judging by its revenue and global reach, it is highly likely that Warner Bros. will continue to develop games set in the Harry Potter universe. Hogwarts Legacy did a tremendous job of portraying what it actually feels like to be a student at Hogwarts, and its immersive atmosphere has only left fans wanting more. Thus, it is all but certain that a sequel to Hogwarts Legacy may already be in development.

The sequel for Hogwarts Legacy could be set up in a number of intriguing ways and feature various new plot threads. One possible setting for the game can be to literally focus on the 'Legacy' part of the game and feature a famous wizard or a witch as the protagonist. The game's plot could see the protagonist return to Hogwarts, long after they have graduated, in pursuit of a dangerous threat or a mystery. As an already established powerful wizard, players could return to Hogwarts and explore its mysteries under a new light. The game could also feature a bigger map, with newer and creepier locations only accessible to powerful mages.

To make things even more interesting, the sequel to Hogwarts Legacy could also potentially take place into the future, after the events of the main series and see the core Harry Potter heroes come back for a visit only to get tangled up in a new conspiracy. Hogwarts Legacy only borrowed elements from the main Harry Potter storyline, and it resulted in it being one of the best-selling games of 2023. If the developers are able to integrate the legacies of famous Harry Potter characters in a sequel, Potter heads are bound to lose their minds. Imagine seeing Harry, Hermione, and Ron back on the grounds of Hogwarts for one more epic adventure. The game could also work if the trio act as guides to a new student, who with their help can set up a whole new legacy of adventures. Another fun route would be exploring the past of Dumbledore as a student at Hogwarts.

The success of Hogwarts Legacy has made two things clear; one that a sequel is bound to happen, and two, that there is still immense interest in the Harry Potter franchise. There are endless routes that the developers can take, all of which will most likely result in a massive success for them. While Hogwarts Legacy did offer a great wizarding experience, it was far from perfect, and a sequel would be a great chance for the developers to take the franchise to new heights.

Hogwarts Legacy is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S. A Switch version will release on November 14.

MORE: One Hogwarts Legacy Flaw Would Be Tough To Improve With A Sequel