The delay of Harry Potter: Hogwarts Legacy didn't come as a surprise when it was announced, as the pandemic has had a negative effect on the gaming world in general since it first hit. Warner Bros. hasn't been immune to that effect, but that doesn't mean the delay wasn't a bummer. There's been some good buzz around the game since it first got announced. So, of course, the news that it was going to be a while before the potential of Hogwarts Legacy would be realized was disappointing, but it may not be all bad.

While it's always a bummer, the gaming world has gotten used to game delays over the last year. Hogwarts Legacy seemed like a prime candidate for such a move, simply because there hadn't been a ton of updates since its announcement. Expecting the delay took some bite out of it. When talking about the benefit of a move like this, "getting things right" is always one bonus. However, Hogwarts Legacy might be getting another big boon from waiting to release for a while. That advantage isn't one other games usually have to worry about.

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Getting Some Distance

hogwarts legacy developer quits

It's true that the delay for Hogwarts Legacy isn't that big a deal. It's even likely a big benefit for one very big reason: getting some distance from Harry Potter's original creator. There was a time when J.K. Rowling was quite beloved; after all, she wrote some of the most popular books on the planet. Then she started voicing opinions that weren't exactly welcomed with open arms. Suddenly, the books lost a bit of luster in the eyes of some, because of their author. It's possible the same thing could have happened, could even still happen, with the game.

While WB Games and developer Avalanche have been careful to try and distance itself from Rowling, Hogwarts Legacy has still received some flak from the public. It's hard to leave the legacy that the prolific author built behind, but the company has still worked hard to get some distance, nonetheless.

Some Hogwarts Legacy developers have even talked openly about how Rowling's transphobic comments were felt at the studio. That's likely one of the reasons Warner Bros. worked so hard to make it clear Rowling isn't involved at this point. There is still some question as to whether or not she was involved during the early days, as the author's comments are also still fairly new. Pushing Hogwart's Legacy back will give it space from those words and could soften the landing when it does finally release.

It's Not Just Rowling

hogwarts legacy potion class

While WB Games and Avalanche are likely glad to get as far away from the controversy Rowling brings, there's another reason why a launch delay can help some of the smoke clear. Former Hogwarts Legacy developer Troy Leavitt worked on the game as part of the Avalanche team. Leavitt was accused of creating anti-feminist and pro-Gamer Gate videos.

While the accusations were made a while ago, he didn't leave the company until last month. If Avalanche and WB Games are going to get some space from controversy, it can only help to put even more space between itself and Leavitt as well.

Hogwarts Legacy is in development for a 2022 release on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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