Many spells can be cast in Hogwarts Legacy. Whether those spells are to protect one’s self against the dark arts or to perform those very dark arts themselves, Hogwarts Legacy allows fans of the Harry Potter series to fulfill their dreams of becoming a powerful witch or wizard, but only if they are aware of what spells to use.

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Some of the spells that are taught to the fifth-year student in Hogwarts Legacy can be somewhat pointless and offer no defense or attack that is worth using in the grand scheme of combat. Alternatively, these spells are only useful for decorating, meaning that players should be aware of spells that are not worth using in Hogwarts Legacy, so they may progress through the best side quests in the game.

UPDATE: 2023/05/12 16:31 EST BY JAKE FILLERY

Updated March 12, 2023, by Jake Fillery

With an experience in all spells, Dark Arts or otherwise, Hogwarts Legacy players have a better understanding of the capabilities of their magic properties and practices. Some damage spells in Hogwarts Legacy might not be worth using, whether it is for ethical reasons, or just a lacking output of worth.

The best Hogwarts Legacy spells don’t always have to be the ones that provide the most amount of damage, and some of the worst spells could be the very spells that involve the Dark Arts. It’s up to the player to see if these Hogwarts Legacy spells are worth using or not.

12 Crucio

Hogwarts Legacy Incendio and Crucio

As an Unforgivable Curse, some players may turn away from using Crucio. Ethically, it is not worth using, unless players do not care for the repercussions of learning and mastering the Dark Arts. Crucio is a pretty good spell, but it comes at the cost of education, as it is forbidden magic that could spell expulsion from Hogwarts.

For those curious, Crucio will make enemies writhe in pain when shot by Crucio. It causes damage over time and provides the victim of the spell to be cursed, in which they will be dealt extra damage. It’s not as good as other damage spells, with evil taking hold of the power.

11 Incendio

hogwarts legacy incendio damage spell

There’s a great level of damage from Incendio, and those that are caught in its small range will be hit with a blast of fire, causing them to take further damage for a few seconds. However, Incendio becomes obsolete rather quickly, with better fire-based spells available soon after obtaining Incendio.

The problem with Incendio is the fact that it has such a short range, meaning players are at risk of an attack just to cast the spell. Being close to a target is never a good idea when casting Incendio.

10 Descendo

hogwarts legacy descendo force spell

There’s no direct damage dealt with Descendo, making it a pretty useless spell for combat situations. Players will want to deal the most amount of damage possible, and Descendo lacks the power to help the wizards and witches of Hogwarts defeat their enemies fast.

Descendo is best used in a combo with other spells, as enemies hit with Descendo will take damage if they are in the air, and are slammed into the ground. Airborne enemies will take even more damage upon hitting the ground, but it is not worth a waste of combos to create this attack.

9 Disillusionment

the disillusionment spell in hogwarts legacy

As a Charm, Disillusionment only has a few uses, and for the most part, it’s not worth using in the slightest. Some stealth aspects in Hogwarts Legacy require the player to be invisible to sneak past enemies and their class teachers, which will provide players with a Game Over. However, Disillusionment is pretty useless outside of the areas in which they are forced to use the spell.

While Disillusionment is active, players will crouch at a reduced speed, meaning they cannot just run around everywhere. They can also still be somewhat spotted during stealth, as they are not completely invisible. They cannot use magic while in stealth, unless directly behind an enemy for a stealth takedown, when it is much quicker to go into battle with wands at the ready.

8 Conjuring Spell

hogwarts legacy conjouring spell transfiguration

The Room of Requirement will see the player learn additional spells, exclusive to that room. This room acts as a HUB world for the player, where they can peacefully enjoy themselves in Hogwarts, and experiment with potions, plants, and the décor of their room. This all begins with the Conjuring Spell.

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This spell allows players to conjure items into existence for the price of moonstones. However, this spell can only be used while present in the Room of Requirement, meaning that it should be left behind for the players that enter combat or explore the world.

7 Evanesco

hogwarts legacy evanesco transfiguration

One of the many passive spells that feature no involvement in combat, Evanesco will vanish items and provide the player with a moonstone if it is cast within the Room of Requirement. Despite the many objects in the vast and magical open world of Hogwarts Legacy, Evanesco is locked in the Room of Requirement.

This means that players cannot obtain moonstones by doing some cleaning in Hogwarts by making items of furniture and junk disappear. Evanesco is a worthless spell against goblins and other enemies.

6 Imperio

imperio petrificus

Imperio forces enemies to fight against each other, as a target that is affected by Imperio will create a companion for a time. While this forced companion is under the control of the player's spell, they take reduced damage from enemies. This enemy-turned-ally is also cursed, meaning they can take extra damage from other sources.

Imperio is a good spell, but it’s an Unforgivable Curse. This means that players should only use this spell if they have a darker side, as the school of Hogwarts won’t be too happy about Imperio’s use. Practically, Imperio can be annoying, as players cannot damage their new companion until the effects of the spell wear off, making the last enemy a waiting game.

5 Altering Spell

hogwarts legacy altering spell transfiguration

There could be many puzzles that would benefit from the Altering Spell, but unfortunately, it is exclusive to use in the Room of Requirement. The Altering Spell allows the wizard or witch to use a said spell to alter the physical form and features of the item they are casting upon.

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The use of the Altering Spell is to change the color of items and furniture and to make it grow or shrink based on their preference. The Altering Spell is useless outside of the Room of Requirement, and not worth experimenting with outside of the Room of Requirement.

4 Glacius

hogwarts legacy glacius control spell

The Glacius control spell will allow the player to use magic to freeze enemies. Enemies that are frozen will take extra damage in follow-up attacks, and the fact that these enemies cannot move may seem like a great advantage. That is until the player realizes that most control spells already do that, nor will they need spells to adventure through Hogsmeade.

Glacius is not a bad spell, but it is not worth the slot in the four-spell arsenal, considering plenty of other spells earned before Glacius can do near enough to the same thing. The idea of freezing enemies in the cold is a nice touch, though.

3 Arresto Momentum

hogwarts legacy arresto momentum control spell

A spell that the player will learn early on in Hogwarts Legacy is Arresto Momentum. This control-based spell will have players slowing objects or enemies, leaving them trapped in time. It’s good for giving the player a moment to think about their next move but doesn’t help much when the player realizes it needs to recharge, leaving just one enemy stuck in the air at a time.

Arresto Momentum is good for keeping enemies in the air, but other spells do just that. It’s not worth having Arresto Momentum in the main spell slots of the player, as other control spells can do it better.

2 Diffindo

hogwarts legacy diffendo damage spell

With the damage-based spell of Diffindo, the Hogwarts student using this spell will be able to slash at enemies and objects from a distance, dealing a decent amount of damage to the chosen target. Diffindo is a good damage spell in its own right, but it lacks a concentration of combo ability.

Although the range of Diffindo is great for an attack spell, and it can slice through the specific red shields that generate, it is not as good as the other attack spells, as it causes no fire-based damage that will inflict further harm on enemies as the other attack spells do.

1 Avada Kedavra

Hogwarts Legacy Avada Kedavra

There is no spell quite like Avada Kedavra. To obtain this evil spell, players will need to complete a certain questline with a fellow student. However, players need to ask themselves whether Avada Kedavra is worth it, as this Unforgivable Curse is perhaps the evilest spell of all, of its ability to instantly take a life, which will certainly make the player a footnote in history.

It would not be right for a student at Hogwarts to become a murderer, and Avada Kedavra will kill enemies instantly. It’s a morally wrong spell for the evil players, and the act of killing an enemy instantly takes away from the fun combos players can have with other spells.

Hogwarts Legacy is available now on PC, PS5, Xbox Series X/S, PS4, and Xbox One.

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