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Hogwarts Legacy follows the journey of a young fifth-year student during their first year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Upon arriving at the famed wizarding school, the protagonist will slowly be given more freedom to explore the world outside the castle, where they can find even more iconic locations from the franchise.

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Throughout the main story of Hogwarts Legacy, players will be forced to explore many of these locations in order to progress the plot, but not all areas are required to be visited. Some, like Hogsmeade Station, can often go unnoticed due to the story's quick pacing, but that doesn't mean it can't be visited later.

When To Visit Hogsmeade Station

Hogwarts Legacy Professor Chiyo Kogawa

Players can visit Hogsmeade Station the moment they gain control of their character, but visiting the iconic train station will take a bit of effort at the beginning of the game due to how far away it is. Making this journey on foot will take a great deal of time, so players should wait until they unlock a more appropriate means of travel before seeking it out.

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On the protagonist's second day at Hogwarts, they will be invited to partake in Flying Class. There, they will be shown how to properly fly a broom, after which they can venture to Hogsmeade to purchase one from Albie Weekes. Obtaining a broom or a mount will make exploring the world of Hogwarts Legacy much easier, so players should prioritize progressing the story and finishing Flying Class before traveling to distant locations. Once a broom has been acquired, Hogsmeade Station can be reached quite quickly.

Hogsmeade Station Location

Finding Hogsmeade Station in Hogwarts Legacy

Long-time fans of the Harry Potter franchise may have been disappointed to realize that the protagonist journeys to Hogwarts via a Thestral-pulled carriage; some likely expected to see the journey take place aboard the Hogwarts Express. Even though the interior of the train is absent from the game, its destination can still be found by exploring the Highlands.

Hogsmeade Station location in Hogwarts Legacy

If players aren't actively seeking this iconic location out, they will likely encounter it for the first time during Natsai's relationship questline, wherein they can fly a Hippogriff over the station while the Hogwarts Express passes by. For those who wish to visit the station outside of the quest, however, they need simply mount their broom and head east from Hogwarts or south from Hogsmeade.

Upon reaching Hogsmeade Station, players will encounter several townsfolk waiting for the Hogwarts Express. By casting Revelio, a Field Guide page can be found on the platform and a Merlin Trial can be uncovered just southeast of the station's walls.

Leopold Babcocke in Hogwarts Legacy

By flying around the station, players can also pop the Balloon Cluster required to complete Professor Kogawa's Assignment. Those who wish to stock up on supplies can also approach Leopold Babcocke at the front of the station and browse what he has for sale.

Hogwarts Legacy is available now on PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X/S. PS4 and Xbox One versions will release on April 4 and a Switch version will release on July 25.