Observant fans have noticed an interesting detail during a promotional video for Hogwarts Legacy, which seems to reveal the existence of a Weasley family member in the upcoming open-world action role-playing game. Set a few centuries before the wizarding world of the books and films, those anticipating Hogwarts Legacy are hoping for there to be references to future events scattered throughout, a wish that is growing more likely as the release nears.

Earlier this month, Hogwarts Legacy director Alan Tew was joined by other senior figures at Avalanche Software and a guest to host one of the most extensive gameplay previews yet. Viewers were taken through a robust character creator that featured no gender-locked options before landing in the Hufflepuff common room. Offering a look at Hogwarts Legacy's HUD, one of the four unique scores composed for each House accompanies a leisurely walk through the castle, which opens up to showcase a little of what is beyond the interior. One of the overview's highlights was a series of duels intended to show off spellcasting, but the sequence concealed a detail that would be of import to fans.

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The aforementioned guest that participated in the gameplay presentation was James Whitehead, from the XpectoGO YouTube Channel, who uploaded a behind-the-scenes video of that same presentation earlier this week. An image posted to Reddit by JeSuisBasti captures a screen in the background of Whitehead's video, which is playing through the same spellcasting activity in the Hogwarts Legacy showcase.

However, JeSuisBasti's screenshot has a different name for one of the player's opponents, who was officially called Hector Jenkins. The surname present here is Weasley, which is first visible at approximately 7:09 in the behind-the-scenes video, something that is unlikely to be a mere coincidence. For those unaware, Weasley is the name of a prominent magical family in the Harry Potter franchise that notably includes Ron Weasley, a friend and fellow Wizard to the titular Harry Potter. Avalanche Software has previously teased that "a Weasley or two" could be found in Hogwarts Legacy, bolstering confidence that one may have already been unveiled.

Comments believed that if Avalanche Software had gone to the trouble of hiding the Weasley name, there were likely other aspects of recent gameplay and trailers that were intended to misdirect or conceal potential spoilers. Hector Weasley is not an established character in the existing lore of Harry Potter, so fans will have to wait until release to discover if the addition is simply a fun Easter egg or something more.

Hogwarts Legacy is set to release on February 10, 2023, on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

MORE: Hogwarts Legacy's Initial Score Honors Harry Potter's Reputation

Source: XpectoGO