A huge swathe of information has finally been revealed about the upcoming Hogwarts Legacy. With the title receiving its own State of Play presentation on March 17, fans who have been waiting for information relevant to the game are finally being satiated.

Hype and discourse surrounding Hogwarts Legacy has seriously picked up as a result of the State of Play presentation, with the game set to come out this year. The presentation revealed the time and place where Hogwarts Legacy will be set, along with game mechanics, available spells, and much more. Perhaps most interesting, however, was the reveal of the unique and sinister villains that can be found within the game's story.

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Hogwarts Legacy Overview

hogwarts legacy forest

Hogwarts Legacy is an inbound action adventure role playing game set in a diverse open world ripe for exploration. Occurring within the Harry Potter universe, namely the acclaimed wizarding school of Hogwarts, the game is set in the 1800s, a relatively unexplored time period within the franchise.

The game will see players intimately involved in the lifestyle of a student at Hogwarts, which eventually leads to a "dangerous journey to uncover a hidden truth of the wizarding world." Players will be able to master a variety of spells, upgrade their abilities, brew potions, and tame magical beasts as just a fraction of the available exploration. The game is being developed by Avalanche Software and is being published by Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment.

The Goblins

hogwarts legacy goblins

One of the primary adversarial forces that players will have to deal with in Hogwarts Legacy is a legion of Goblins. While the exact justifications for it still remain obscure, it has been revealed that these Goblins are at the forefront of a sinister plot to stage a rebellion within the magical realm, much to the detriment of all other magical beings.

These Goblins are led by one named Ranrok, who was briefly seen within the Hogwarts Legacy State of Play presentation. It is worth noting that, historically, Goblins have staged many attempted coups within the wizarding world over time. Like many species within the Harry Potter universe, Goblins are seen as inferior to witches and wizards, and face glaring amounts of prejudice in their everyday lives. While this potential rebellion must be stopped due to its possibly catastrophic consequences, players should expect this aspect of Hogwarts Legacy's story to be morally challenging and multi-faceted.

Corrupted Witches and Wizards


The other main force of enemies that will fall victim to the intense spell-based combat and dueling within Hogwarts Legacy are that of corrupted witches and wizards. Deeply embroiled with volatile dark magic, these wizards and witches have forged an uneasy alliance with the aforementioned Goblins. Both sides are working together towards a shared and dangerous goal.

This faction was additionally given a figurehead within the State of Play presentation, in the form of a man named Victor Rookwood. Equipped with the dastardly top hat and facial hair befitting of an 1800s villain, Rookwood promises to be a more overtly self-serving adversary in comparison to the more somewhat understandable plight of the Goblins. With the unforgivable killing curse Avada Kedarva confirmed to be an available spell in Hogwarts Legacy, it is safe to assume that this sinister alliance will offer intimidating and lethal opposition to the player, despite the young age of the main character.

Players will have to consistently deal with both Goblins and these witches and wizards when exploring the expansive open world of Hogwarts Legacy, and should be well-prepared to do so. With Hogwarts Legacy billed for a 2022 release date, players will not have to wait long to explore the intricacies of these foes for themselves.

Hogwarts Legacy is coming Holiday 2022 to PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

MORE: Every Spell Highlighted in Hogwarts Legacy's State of Play