Hogwarts Legacy has been released and is filled with content for Harry Potter lovers. Set long before the events of the Harry Potter movies but with a lot of recognizable places and names, the game is a wonderful opportunity to play through the world of Hogwarts while role-playing in whatever fashion players can dream of.

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One of the more notable characters that players can attempt to take on as their character is Hermione Granger. While players won’t get to interact with the genius friend of Harry Potter in the game, they can take a lot of actions inspired by what Hermione herself would do in any given situation. Fortunately, players can learn all kinds of tips and tricks to help them with role play and all manner of other things in Hogwarts Legacy.

6 The Look

Hermione Granger in Harry Potter

Designing a player character in Hogwarts Legacy to look as much like a recognizable character as possible can be difficult, but there are certain choices to make to get as close a look and feel for Hermione as possible. Examples include face shape and skin color both being option 2. Hermione’s hairstyle is probably best suited to a number 10 with the color 17.

Some of the less major options in character creation can be selected with less intense focus, and the general look of Hermione’s movie version can be achieved using the above options. Additionally, players probably want to use a pitch for the female voice of the character that is somewhere in the middle. It is clear that Hermione wouldn’t have any freckles, moles, scars, or markings, and her eye color is probably best suited to the fifth option given. Overall, while players have tried recreating characters like Hermione Granger in a variety of other games, it is much easier in Hogwarts Legacy.

5 Wand

hogwarts legacy wand shop

Hermione’s wand is fortunately one of the character aspects which can be completely defined, the movie version of her wand is easy to replicate in Hogwarts Legacy. The wand style is a light-brown soft spiral and the wood type of Hermione’s wand is a vine.

The length of her wand is 10.75 inches and the core is a dragon heartstring. While the rigidity of her wand isn’t important or mentioned a great deal, that shouldn’t matter too much as players will have the right look of Hermione’s wand for their role-playing if they stick to the other instructions given.

4 Gryffindor

hogwarts legacy natsai onai gryffindor student companion wandless divination

It almost goes without saying but to enable some of the choices needed over the course of the game, players should make sure that they are following the path which Hermione did in her own time at Hogwarts and choose Gryffindor as their player character’s house for the duration of their stay.

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There are differences in gameplay over the course of Hogwarts Legacy dependent on the house in which the player character is in, so it is important to take Gryffindor if attempting to play through the game as Hermione Granger.

3 Hermione’s Favorite Spells


Role-playing as Hermione will come down in large part, as much of Hogwarts Legacy does, to the choices taken and the spells used. Hermione’s favorite spells probably are best represented by some of the simpler but more effective spells available in the game such as Expelliarmus.

Additionally, Hermione would definitely use spells like Arresto Momentum, as this gives her more time to plan out her next moves, Wingardium Leviosa, of course, as she knows the spell’s pronunciation rather well, and more of the momentum and force-focused spells, as these utilize the environment and weaknesses of many enemies more than other spells. Remember that Hermione isn’t one likely to fight with force, she prefers the usage of intelligence. Being the greatest mind of her generation, Hermione will always be able to outthink her opponent and thus remains calmer than other wizards in dangerous situations.

2 Game Choices

Hogwarts Legacy Dark Wizards

One of the most important parts of role-playing as Hermione in Hogwarts Legacy is that she is not a dark wizard. Usually in the game, any choices about being kinder to people and creatures will have to be taken in order to maintain the real feel of how Hermione would act in similar situations. She is one of the kinder characters in both movies and books, in the books especially she is a great believer in achieving better rights for magical creatures like house elves.

To achieve the best Hermione role-play possible in Hogwarts Legacy, players should always avoid combat wherever possible. Hermione is not exactly a pacifist, but she is not combat oriented and would prefer to avoid conflict or harming others whenever possible.

1 Unforgivable Curses

hogwarts legacy unforgivable curse

One of the more important choices that a player makes throughout Hogwarts Legacy which actively affects the gameplay is whether they choose to learn the unforgivable curses. While these curses are forbidden and only used by dark wizards in the Wizarding World, there is no actual penalty for taking and using them in the game. As extremely overpowered spells, it is hard to say no to the option. Having them even makes boss fights easier.

However, Hermione might be intelligent, but she is also a Gryffindor. Her courage is part of what spurs her to say no to the learning of these curses even though it would be extremely advantageous to her in a battle to have the usage of them available. Whether players choose to take the curses on as part of their arsenal or not, it is important to note that role-playing as Hermione will involve the difficult choice of not learning them.

Hogwarts Legacy is available on PC, PS4, and Xbox Series X/S. The game is dated for launch on April 4, 2023, on the PS4 and Xbox One, while the Switch version is set to be released on July 25, 2023.

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