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Hogwarts Legacy has plenty of challenges for players to sink their teeth into if they’re really determined to complete the game 100%. Fortunately for players who have been praising the combat system of the Harry Potter game so far, there is an entire section of challenges dedicated purely to combat.

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Mostly focused on fighting individual types of enemies available in the game, there are a couple of challenges that are a little different. Fortunately, for most individual enemies, there are great tricks to help players with taking them on even relatively early in the game.

6 Dugbog Tongues

Dangling a dugbog enemy by its tongue

One of the most difficult specific enemies that need to be defeated to complete combat challenges in Hogwarts Legacy is the dugbogs. Fortunately, these like most enemies in the game, have a specific weakness that can be exploited. In order for players to get a huge advantage on dugbogs, and even kill them with one swift combination, they need to wait for an opportunity.

Dugbogs have two main forms of attack in Hogwarts Legacy. They have a charging attack, which players should avoid, and a tongue attack. When the tongue attack is used, players should seize the opportunity to use levioso and leave the dugbog floating by its tongue. It can then be attacked with any spell for much greater damage, or struck with Diffindo for an instant kill no matter how powerful the dugbog is.

5 Sneak Talents


A generally great move for taking out whole bandit camps, making the combat challenges for goblins and dark wizards much easier, is disillusionment. Sneaking around is a great move, but unfortunately, the base sneaking isn’t that great in Hogwarts Legacy. This can fortunately be improved after talents have been unlocked.

At this point, players can unlock the four sneaking talents and become hugely improved when using disillusionment. A few points into the sneaking talent section and a little skill will enable players to wipe out entire camps and gain many kills on goblins and dark wizards without having to engage many enemies at once in combat.

4 Battle Arenas

Hogwarts Legacy Battle Arena

One great way to find and kill many types of enemies for a great spread of progress across all combat challenges is the battle arenas. If players don’t have the deluxe version of Hogwarts Legacy, then there are only two battle arenas available in the game. But these can be repeated for many kills of different creature types.

Related:Hardest Missions In Hogwarts Legacy

Players should beware those battle arenas are a high level of combat, and should not be entered into without the proper tools for defense. Either many consumables or being at a high level with a lot of the late-game spells is advisable against these waves of enemies. It is possible to win a battle arena earlier in the game but is probably not worth the effort and incredible gameplay it requires.

3 Dueling Feats

hogwarts legacy ashwinder Duelist how to beat

Dueling feats are one of the most specific combat challenges in the game. At the beginning of each battle, dueling feats which are optional objectives that will appear on the screen can be completed to further this particular combat challenge. Often, the best thing to do with dueling feats is to focus on them only when the player is taking on easier enemies, or a single enemy at a time.

Dueling feats can show helpful ways to get easy wins on opponents, so paying attention to them can be valuable for victories. It is easier to pick up more dueling feats later in Hogwarts Legacy, but if players are exploring a great deal around the map, they’ll wander into single enemies or small groups of them frequently. This will make it easy to pick up a few dueling feats regularly.

2 Exploration

hogwarts legacy open world rpg traversal broom massive exploration

Exploration is a key part of completing not just the exploring challenges in Hogwarts Legacy, but also the combat challenges. Players should always explore as part of the game, but it is particularly helpful for finding the infamous foes who all have to be defeated as part of a combat challenge.

Players can zoom out in the Highlands on their map to see the region split into fourteen sections, enabling them to see how many infamous foes are in each zone. Also, dens for creatures like spiders and trolls can be found while exploring, which makes it easier to try and tackle a combat challenge for a particular foe if the player is lacking in one.

1 Troll Clubs

hogwarts legacy combat wizard troll

Trolls are the hardest creatures to fight against of any that have to be tackled for Hogwarts Legacy combat challenges. The best way to take them down is, once again, with a couple of particular tricks. Trolls will often charge attack, and if the player is fighting them in an enclosed space, they will likely run into something and stun themselves. This enables the player to do huge damage combinations in a short space of time.

The other, an arguably better method, is to wait for a swinging troll to hit the ground with their club. Upon this occurring, players may use flipendo to make the trolls hit themselves in the face with the club, once again stunning them. Players can do huge damage and make defeating trolls far easier than it normally is by continuously focusing on these tricks in combat.

Hogwarts Legacy was released on February 10th, 2023, and is available on Windows PC, PlayStation 4 & 5, Xbox Series X & S, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch.

More:Advanced Tips For Hogwarts Legacy