The magical world of Hogwarts Legacy sees a grand collaboration of the celebration of magic. Whether it's in the enchanted potion ingredients, the flying broomsticks, or just the mystical beasts that exist in these lands, Hogwarts Legacy truly grandly celebrates it all. Each purchasable item in the game has unique uses that can be helpful to players.

However, with such an abundance of purchases available to the player, many may venture through Hogsmeade in Hogwarts Legacy at a loss for how to spend their coin. Players should be aware of things they should not buy from shops in Hogwarts Legacy, to save their gold and become a great witch or wizard.

UPDATE: 2023/05/12 16:25 EST BY JAKE FILLERY

Updated March 12, 2023, by Jake Fillery

Players might be asking themselves what to buy in Hogwarts Legacy , as the game provides them with many different options and shops across Hogsmeade. This area is vast for its shops, from broomsticks to potions, with even pets featuring as a purchasable commodity.

When thinking of what to buy in Hogwarts Legacy , players should be aware of a few things, and the many things that they might as well save their gold for, as to not waste on the somewhat useless items and ingredients that can be found across the open world.

10 Seed Packets

hogwarts legacy potting tables

There is a variety of seeds that players can purchase in Hogsmeade. From Mandrakes to Chomping Cabbages, there is plenty of use for these potted plants. However, players might want to be careful with the Seed Packets that they acquire, as some are more useful than others, and it would be a complete waste to purchase a Seed Packet that does not offer much.

Not only will players be wasting gold on a Seed Packet that doesn’t help them as much as others, but they might forget that in growing a seed, they get some return, meaning they do not have to purchase a Seed Packet for every Chinese Chomping Cabbage that they grow.

It's always a good idea to keep seeds growing in the Room of Requirement, as when they grow, they can be a valued asset to the player. Plants can be used for many properties, whether it's defense, offense, or just to prove how knowledgeable of a botanist the player is. It's not a bad thing to purchase Seed Packets, but players should conserve and farm what they have, rather than wasting gold on more.

9 More Broomsticks

spintwitches sporting needs in hogwarts legacy

After completing the Flying Class quest in Hogwarts Legacy, players will receive the quest to venture to Hogsmeade and purchase a broom for themselves. Obtaining a broom is almost essential for fast traveling across the vast open world map in Hogwarts Legacy, and Spintwitches Sporting Needs will provide players with what they desire.

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Once players have purchased their broom, however, they should not buy another. Brooms are merely cosmetic and only offer visual changes. If the player decides to waste their gold on more brooms, then all they are doing is changing the visual difference, rather than spending that gold on the upgrades that make the broom go faster.

Brooms can be a rather expensive addition, and will certainly empty out the gold purse of the player if they decide to indulge in more than one design. Players should be aware that by completing specific challenges, they will earn new cosmetics for brooms that are far more unique than what can be purchased, so it's best to just buy one cheap broom and upgrade it through the side quest activities, so players will be zooming around Hogwarts in style in no time.

8 Clothing Gear

gladrags wizardwear in hogwarts legacy

RPG elements feature in Hogwarts Legacy with gear. Players can loot chests and enemies for the random chance of getting loot. Said loot can range from the different classes of clothing, which offers visual differences and stat differences. There’s also a different rarity of clothing, which determines if players can use mod slots.

Players will never have a short supply of clothing gear, and to be perfectly frank, they will have an abundance of the stuff to the point where they are constantly destroying or selling it, as it will get in the way of their classes to carry around all that loot. Considering this, buying clothing gear is never a good idea, unless the player likes the visual style of the item.

7 Potions

pippins potions in hogwarts legacy

There is a great range of potions that players can use. Some of the best potions in Hogwarts Legacy can be purchased early on but at quite an expensive price. It’s in the player’s best interest if they do not invest themselves in these store-bought potions, and instead make their ones.

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Players can purchase recipes for their favorite potions, which can be a great way to start investing in potions early on, as players will be able to meddle with their potency and their ingredients. It may be expensive to learn the recipe, but the player’s gold will thank them.

6 Plant Combat Tools

dogweed and deathcap in hogwarts legacy

Combat might feel a tad lonely at times, especially when enemies seem to have an abundance of goblin pals or ashwinder companions. To combat this loneliness, and have allies in the fight, players can opt to purchase or grow their plant allies, which can be thrown onto the battlefield to take on the enemies of the fifth-year Hogwarts student.

Plants can be purchased for quite the fee of gold, but it’s worth investing in the seeds to buy these plants, rather than the plants themselves. By buying these plants, players may skip the wait times to grow them, but they are also spending too much money in the long run.

5 Potion Ingredients

hogwarts legacy focus potion brewing

There is an encouragement of exploration in Hogwarts Legacy. The game has a vast amount of creatures, areas, and dungeons to explore. Each can offer unique rewards, but one of the most sought after for some players is that of ingredients to craft illusive and dangerous potions that can help the player.

Although players can purchase Potion Ingredients at multiple shops in Hogsmeade, it’s best to find something to do and put in the productivity of finding it alone, rather than relying on gold. Players might have fun looking for Potion Ingredients in the wild, like an independent wizard or witch.

4 Cosmetic Spellcrafts

tomes and scrolls in hogwarts legacy

After players unlock the Room of Requirement, they will have access to their potion-brewing stands and seed-growing stations. From the Room of Requirement, players can utilize their abilities with potions and other combat tools, but only if they know what they are doing. Players can now purchase potion stands and other goods to craft potions and grow plants, which are the only spellcrafts they should buy.

Other spellcrafts that can be purchased offer no real value aside from cosmetic effects. There is nothing wrong with buying cosmetic spellcrafts, but they are merely for visual differences in the individual Room of Requirement of each witch and wizard and offer no advantage aside from looking good. If players' funds are limited, they should save their money.

3 Beast Ingredients

brood and peck in hogwarts legacy

Part of the important ingredients for potions is beast fur and other supplies that come from beasts. At the start of the game, these can be worthy purchases for those that want to experiment with potions. However, it is worth noting that these beast ingredients can quickly become accessible if players dedicate their time to exploration and their Room of Requirement.

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Once players obtain the Nab-Sack, they will be able to catch all beasts in Hogwarts Legacy. In catching these beasts, and placing them in the sanctuary of the Room of Requirement, players can feed and groom them for their items, rather than purchasing them outright.

2 Plant Ingredients

the magic neep in hogwarts legacy

Much like the beast ingredients, players can also purchase plant ingredients to help create unique potions and other assortments. Also like the beast ingredients, plants can be grown by the player in the Room of Requirement. By purchasing the correct seeds and pot sizes, players will have an infinite supply of the plants they want.

The Room of Requirement can quickly become a factory of potion making, thanks to the abundance of plants that will be growing under the care of the player and the house elf Deek. Buying plant seeds is better than growing plants, as growing warrants infinite use.

1 Worse Gear

hogwarts legacy extraordinary gear

One of the biggest mistakes a player can make is purchasing Gear that is worse for them than what they are already wearing. Each Gear slot contains stat bonuses. These could drastically improve the health and other stats of the player, or grant bonuses to perk slots.

It’s always best to check the comparison between Gear before purchasing something. If there is a red arrow instead of a green arrow, it’s indicating that the stats are lower than what the player is already wearing, so it’s a good idea to steer clear of wasting gold.

Hogwarts Legacy is available now on PC, PS5, Xbox Series X/S, PS4, and Xbox One.

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February 10, 2023