Set in the late 19th century, Hogwarts Legacy shines the light on a population of witches and wizards previously unseen in the Harry Potter franchise. From Hogwarts professors and students to villagers of Hogsmeade, and of course those with a reverence for the Dark Arts, there are plenty of strong wizards and witches in the game.

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Naturally, some of these characters are more powerful than others and can even be compared to future greats of wizardkind such as Albus Dumbledore and Lord Voldemort. The strength of these wizards and witches in Hogwarts Legacy can be seen in epic duels and other feats of magic.

7 Eleazar Fig

Hogwarts Legacy Professor Eleazar Fig

Professor Eleazar Fig is one of the best characters in Hogwarts Legacy and the main mentor for the player not only throughout their first year at Hogwarts but in their discovery of Ancient Magic too. On multiple occasions during the main story, Professor Fig shows glimpses of his power, which likely stems from a deep understanding of magical theory seeing as he teaches the subject.

In the opening mission of the game, Fig performs an extraordinary feat of magic, summoning a falling Portkey in the chaos that ensued from the dragon's attack on the carriage. Incredibly this was done without the assistance of a wand.

6 Theophilus Harlow

Hogwarts Legacy Theophilus Harlow

Theophilus Harlow is a cruel character with no moral compass, but nevertheless a strong wizard in his own right. He is second in command to Victor Rookwood but seemingly has many of his own operations.

His transgressions catch the eye of Gryffindor vigilante Natsai Onai, and with the help of the player, she attempts to bring him to justice. Although eventually falling to the main character's Ancient Magic, Theophilus Harlow proves his might in the penultimate duel. In particular, his skill at apparating while in combat makes him a formidable foe.

5 Solomon Sallow

Hogwarts Legacy Solomon Sallow

Solomon Sallow, the uncle of the best companion in Hogwarts Legacy, Sebastian Sallow, is a former Auror. He is also one of the strongest wizards residing in the area surrounding Hogwarts.

At the end of Sebastian's story, players will find themselves caught in the midst of a family feud, with Inferi trying to kill anyone and everyone. In the chaotic fight that ensues, Solomon Sallow more than proves his powers and even unleashes a deadly fire spell that swirls in an area.

4 Dinah Hecat

Hogwarts Legacy Professor Dinah Hecat

Professor Dinah Hecat teaches one of the most fun classes in Hogwarts Legacy, Defence Against the Dark Arts. It's a position that inherently calls for strong wizards or witches as the future safety of Hogwarts students depends on a thorough grounding in the discipline.

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Players will learn about Professor Hecat's power in their first lesson with her, as she recalls The Great Poacher Raid of 1878, in which she played a prominent role. One of her strengths is that foes might underestimate her as she was cursed by time itself, causing her to appear much older than she actually is.

3 Victor Rookwood

Victor Rookwood

Victor Rookwood is one of the two main antagonists of Hogwarts Legacy, the other being the goblin Ranrok. While his power pales in comparison to later dark wizards such as Gellert Grindelwald and Lord Voldemort, he is nonetheless a force to be reckoned with.

In one of Hogwarts Legacy's hardest missions, players will get the chance to test their mettle against Rookwood. Despite the main character's strength, he puts up a good fight with the two locking wands three times in their intense duel.

2 Isidora Morganach

Hogwarts Legacy Isidora Morganach

Isidora Morganach is a witch who lived many centuries before the events of Hogwarts Legacy and the player gradually learns more of her story through Pensieve memories. Similarly to the main character, she was admitted to Hogwarts as a fifth-year student and possesses the power to use Ancient Magic.

Eventually going on to become a professor at Hogwarts, Isidora's power grew and grew with her ambitions similarly knowing no bounds. Her obsession with Ancient Magic and the pain it can erase led to her eventual downfall, but it took all four of the Keepers and an Unforgivable Curse to take her down.

1 The Main Character

Hogwarts Legacy Main Character Ancient Magic Wand

Without a doubt, especially by the end of their first year at Hogwarts, the strongest wizard or witch in Hogwarts Legacy has to be the main character who players create. Despite not receiving any magical education prior to the start of the game, the main character quickly catches up with the rest of their year and soon surpasses them.

The main character's power can be largely attributed to the rare Ancient Magic they possess, the like of which has not been seen in hundreds of years. Not only are their standard spells enhanced, but they also have access to Ancient Magic Finishers, which can one-shot most enemies. Countless times in the game, the main character takes on multiple enemies at once and defeats them all.

Hogwarts Legacy is out now for PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X/S, with PS4 and Xbox One versions coming May 5 and a Switch release dropping July 25.

MORE: Hogwarts Legacy: Advanced Tips