Over the past couple of weeks, Harry Potter fans have finally been able to live out their childhood dreams thanks to Hogwarts Legacy. Avalanche Software was able to craft an immersive open-world Hogwarts and fill it with content for players to discover. It whisked players off on a new magical journey within the Wizarding World, and let them be who they want to be within the confines of its narrative. Hogwarts Legacy has simply been a fantastic ride from start to finish, and Star Wars needs to take some notes.

Star Wars is one of the largest multimedia franchises around, and its future looks very bright. Not only is Disney planning on expanding the franchise through countless Disney Plus shows and movies, but the gaming industry is also crafting numerous new galactic adventures for fans to enjoy. It feels like a great time to be a Star Wars fan. However, none of the projects have really let fans live out their dreams, and a developer like Ubisoft needs to change that.

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Star Wars Needs to Let Fans Live in Its Galaxy

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Star Wars has had a very impressive history with gaming, and that does not seem to be changing anytime soon. The industry has been churning out titles in George Lucas' galaxy since the 80s, but the majority of them seem to be playing it safe. They have all given players control of different characters during the events of the main series, and the ones that have branched out to new eras have still forced players to control specific characters. Outside a couple of MMOs, Star Wars has really never let fans be themselves.

Some of the most popular Star Wars games either gave players control of established force users or put them in the shoes of soldiers during pivotal points of the main series. Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order gave them control over Jedi Cal Kestis during the Age of the Empire, Star Wars Battlefront let fans experience what it would be like for a soldier in the galaxy, and Star Wars: The Force Unleashed gave them control over Vader's secret apprentice post-Revenge of the Sith. While all of these games were great, they did not give players a Hogwarts Legacy-like experience.

The popular Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic series let players fully customize their character in classic RPG fashion, and it is probably the closest that the series has come to letting players be their own person. However, the story strips much of that away by the end when it is revealed that the player was Darth Revan the entire time. While they can still make choices that affect the game's finale, they are no longer their own person. Instead, they are forced to once again play as an established character.

Hogwarts Legacy has given Harry Potter fans the ability to be their own person within the Wizarding World, and Star Wars needs to take some notes. The galaxy is a vast place filled with stories waiting to be told and characters waiting to be created. There is so much potential within Star Wars for a game like Hogwarts Legacy, and it is surprising that no developer has tried to give players that experience yet. As more Star Wars games enter development, hopefully, titles like Ubisoft's Star Wars game are going to finally give players that option.

Star Wars needs a single-player RPG that is disconnected from the greater series and gives players a plethora of content to explore. It should let players be whoever they want to be within the franchise, and allow them to explore some of the most iconic corners of the galaxy. While it would take a bit of work to get right, it could lead to one of the most immersive Star Wars games ever created. Hogwarts Legacy has led the way, and Star Wars needs to follow it as soon as possible.

Hogwarts Legacy is now available for PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X/S, with PS4 and Xbox One versions coming on April 4 and the Switch version launching on July 25.

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