A Hogwarts Legacy player just discovered a neat way to interact with a snowman despite playing for almost 300 hours. Hogwarts Legacy is one of the biggest games of 2023, received positively by both critics and fans.

There is a lot to discover in Hogwarts Legacy, and gamers are still finding new details in the game. As an example, one fan pointed out that Professor Fig in Hogwarts Legacy has a strategically-placed Dark Detector in his office, allowing him to look through it every time he enters the classroom. Now, it looks like another fan has discovered a neat way to interact with a snowman in Hogwarts Legacy.

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A Reddit user named AngryCandyCorn claims that they are still discovering new things in the world of Hogwarts Legacy despite playing it for almost 300 hours. In the post's description, AngryCandyCorn mentions that snowmen in the game will throw a snowball back at the player if gamers choose to hit them with basic attacks. While AngryCandyCorn didn't share a clip featuring this interaction, players can check out the given video to see it in action.

This neat detail makes the world of Hogwarts Legacy feel more alive, and it looks like developer Avalanche Software has added a ton of similar things for players to discover. Some gamers in the comments section mention that using Confringo in Hogwarts Legacy can melt a snowman, but users can then use Glacius to rebuild it. Fans also point out other neat interactions present in Hogwarts Legacy, such as the Transformation spell letting players turn animals into different objects, and even make money in the process.

While many users discuss various such details in Hogwarts Legacy, it appears that some are surprised to learn about AngryCandyCorn’s total playtime with the game. Hogwarts Legacy is an open-world action RPG, and its main story can take gamers around 20-25 hours to complete, with 50 hours or so required for a complete run. So, it seems like AngryCandyCorn has spent considerably more time with the game than average.

While the story of Hogwarts Legacy remains largely the same irrespective of how players act, there is a crucial choice that takes place near the beginning of the game that leads to a big difference. Following the intro, players will be asked to choose a house of their liking, and each one comes with its own unique quest in Hogwarts Legacy.

Hogwarts Legacy is available now on PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X/S, with PS4 and Xbox One versions launching May 5 and a Switch port releasing July 25.

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