
  • The next Hogwarts Legacy could explore the far past, interact with legendary figures, or leap into the futuristic far future.
  • Moving away from preexisting lore restrictions allows for unique perspectives and aesthetics in a futuristic Harry Potter game.
  • Setting the next Hogwarts Legacy during the events of the Harry Potter series offers the opportunity for players to experience the franchise's central story from a different viewpoint.

Assuming Hogwarts Legacy gets a sequel, which seems likely given its breakout success, it will be interesting to see what direction Avalanche Software takes with its setting. The 1800s period is certainly interesting, and it may yet serve as a worthwhile backdrop for new stories, but the next Hogwarts Legacy could also be an indirect sequel, visiting new locations and eras, and thus opening the door to unique narrative and gameplay scenarios.

One of the best decisions Avalanche made when developing Hogwarts Legacy was the 1800s setting, which removes it completely from the events of the Harry Potter and Fantastic Beasts series. This helps the game strike a good balance between nostalgic appeal and stand-alone quality, staking itself in the lore of Harry Potter without being tethered to its plot. The setting also poses some limitations, however, as certain plot elements are predetermined by the established lore. Hogwarts couldn't be destroyed in Hogwarts Legacy, for instance, since the school obviously remains intact in the franchise's other entries. With the sequel to Hogwarts Legacy being in a tough spot when it comes to its setting, Avalanche Software should think about visiting another time period.

Hogwarts Legacy Sequel Wish List

If and when Avalanche releases a follow-up to Hogwarts Legacy, there are a number of additions and changes that would help the game.

The Best Eras for the Next Hogwarts Legacy

The Founding of Hogwarts & Other Magical Schools

The late 1800s setting poses a few awkward challenges. It's too close to the events of the Fantastic Beast films to make truly significant changes or additions to the series' lore, while being too far from established characters and plots to be overly referential. That said, it might be a good idea to set the next Hogwarts Legacy in the far past, as players could interact with legendary figures like Merlin, Nicholas Flamel, and the founders of Hogwarts.

This would sidestep the issues related to reincorporating Hogwarts Legacy's protagonist while giving players a unique look at the Harry Potter world. Moreover, this extra breathing room, temporally speaking, would let the narrative introduce weightier stakes, and the player-character could even play a role in the establishment of Hogwarts or the relationships between its four founders.

Hogwarts In the Far Future

To completely break free from the restrictions imposed by preexisting Harry Potter lore, the sequel to Hogwarts Legacy could leap far ahead, skipping past the events of the Harry Potter series and perhaps even going into the far future. Setting the next Hogwarts Legacy in the future would come with a number of benefits beyond simply being detached from narrative restrictions, however.

While the idea of incorporating futuristic or science-fiction elements into a Harry Potter story may sound ludicrous at first, it might not be the worst idea. Hogwarts Legacy is great, but the series could easily become stale if it just presents players with the same sort of setting in each follow-up game. By showing how magic intersects with technology and the modern world, a futuristic game in the series could offer perspectives, commentary, and aesthetics that are wholly unique to the Harry Potter franchise, making it a bold and inventive addition.

The Harry Potter Era

While it's arguably the safest option for Avalanche, setting the next Hogwarts Legacy during or around the events of the Harry Potter series could pose some unique opportunities. Players could experience the events of the classic books and films from a unique perspective, interacting with the main characters as an outsider, perhaps even growing alongside them as they progress through each school year. Plus, by allowing the player to embody someone other than the main hero, the game could focus more on the experience of being a Hogwarts student.

The Hogwarts Legacy franchise has a unique opportunity to differentiate itself from other Harry Potter media in a number of ways, including the setting. Avalanche Software enjoyed major success with the first game, so hopefully it will take some bigger risks in a sequel.