One of the most highly anticipated games of 2023 is Hogwarts Legacy. The wait for the game has been long, but with its release date on the horizon, many gamers are planning what house they will join and speculating about where the plot might go. With a successful launch, Hogwarts Legacy might eventually spawn a sequel, and this could open the door for Albus Dumbledore to make an appearance.

The old wizard is known by most as the headmaster of Hogwarts, but many years before, he was a student in the Gryffindor house. Hogwarts Legacy's timeline is set up just right for a sequel to feature Dumbledore during his school years, which could allow fans to learn more about the beloved wizard.

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There Is an Overlap Between Hogwarts Legacy's Timeline and Dumbledore's Life

Harry Potter_Dumbledore

In many ways, Hogwarts Legacy appears to be the Harry Potter game that fans of the franchise have always been waiting for. However, it will not take place during the schooling years of Harry and his friends. The game is instead set in the 19th century, in 1890 to be specific. This means that Harry won't be making an appearance, but it also allows the game to tell its own story and reveal new lore about Hogwarts castle and the wizarding world. There will be a few faces that fans might recognize, including The Fat Lady in the portrait and Nearly-Headless Nick the Gryffindor ghost.

Many fans know that Dumbledore is an old wizard, but they may be surprised to learn that he is old enough to be alive during the events of Hogwarts Legacy. Dumbledore was born in 1881, which would make him about nine years old when the events of Hogwarts Legacy occur. He is unlikely to appear in the game because students begin their magic schooling when they are eleven. At the time, Dumbledore would have been living in Godric's Hollow with his family.

Could Dumbledore Appear in a Hogwarts Legacy Sequel?

Hogwarts Legacy Feature

A Hogwarts Legacy sequel that takes place a few years after the first game could very easily feature the wise wizard as a young student. This would be the perfect opportunity to unravel many of the mysteries that surround Dumbledore's early life. Players would get to see his friendship with Elphias Doge, who later becomes a fellow member of the Order of the Phoenix. The game could also illustrate how Dumbledore reacted to the murmurs about his family, and how his prodigious magic skills impressed all his professors.

The odds of a Hogwarts Legacy series seem very high, especially when considering the success the game is seeing even before its launch. The game has had to battle a lot of controversies arising from a myriad of factors including delays and calls for a Hogwarts Legacy boycott due to transphobic comments made by Harry Potter's author. Despite this, it has managed to shoot to the top of Steam's charts, and it is the top-selling PS5 game on Amazon. This suggests that the game is in for a big launch, which would be the launching pad Avalanche Software needs to build a lucrative series.

Hogwarts Legacy seems like it will be a daring game that is willing to explore dark magic and its consequences. Trailers have shown the killing curse being used, and the PS5 exclusive quest which takes place in Hogsmeade appears to introduce even more dark mysteries. It isn't all gloom, however, and players will be able to explore Hogwarts castle, tame magical creatures, and make friends with their peers. Maybe one day, they could even befriend Albus Dumbledore.

Hogwarts Legacy is scheduled to release on February 10, on PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X/S, on April 4 on PS4 and Xbox One, and on July 25 on Nintendo Switch.

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