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Hogwarts Legacy is an open-world game that will indeed have some bugs here and there, especially until the developers release patches after launch. With so many things for players to do and areas to explore, players will no doubt run into some issues that can affect gameplay and/or progression. To help out the Hogwarts Legacy development team, fans can go online and report bugs that may or may not get fixed. Still, for those that would like to support the community and report an issue, just follow these steps.

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How to Report Bugs in Hogwarts Legacy

hogwarts legacy spell
  • The first thing players should do to report a bug in Hogwarts Legacy is to head to this official Warner Bros. website.
  • Click on the 'Report a Bug' button at the top of the website.
  • Before proceeding, Harry Potter fans need to connect a free WB Games Account. Input your email and password, and then hit 'Sign in.' For those without an account, click on 'Create an Account.'
  • After players are logged into the site, click on this link to go to the bug report page.
  • There's a lot of information that players will need to fill out so that the development team can fully understand the issue happening in Hogwarts Legacy.

Choose your platform, input the bug title, put a bug description, and continue to fill out the specifics of where the bug happened and when. Warner Bros. also asks players to provide proof of the bug, whether it's an in-game screenshot or a gameplay recording.

Warner Bros. notes that players should check existing bug reports before starting a new report. If players find another report that's similar to the bug they experienced, they can upvote it and leave comments. The more upvotes and comments a bug report has, the more likely it is to be noticed and addressed by Avalanche. Also, please make sure to only report one bug a day.

There will be a day one patch for Hogwarts Legacy, so for those that are jumping onto the game three days early via the Deluxe edition, keep in mind that there might be some issues here and there that might be addressed on February 10.

Hogwarts Legacy launches February 10 for PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X, April 4 for PS4 and Xbox One, and July 25 for Nintendo Switch.

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