Hogwarts Legacy developer Avalanche Software says that it has no plans to release any post-launch content for the Harry Potter game, despite its initial success. While Hogwarts Legacy is a game that many Harry Potter fans grew up wanting, significant controversies surrounding the project have made it's future a more complicated subject than once thought. Whether DLC is the right choice for Hogwarts Legacy is something even Avalanche Software may not know.

It was in 2018 that Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling first drew accusations of bigotry after liking posts on Twitter denigrating transgender women. At this point, Avalanche Software had already been working on Hogwarts Legacy for some time. Gameplay from the Harry Potter game even leaked around the same time. Since then, the controversies surrounding Rowling have grown. Further, Avalanche has faced its own problems, including a GamerGate-supporting designer leaving the company and accusations of antisemitism written into Hogwarts Legacy's Goblin Rebellion storyline.

RELATED: Hogwarts Legacy Has a Transgender Character

It's perhaps unsurprising then that Avalanche Software is now confirming that the studio is unsure at this point whether it will be releasing any post-launch content for Hogwarts Legacy. Speaking with IGN as part of its Fan Fest event, game director Alan Tew said explicitly there are no current plans for Hogwarts Legacy DLC. As an explanation, Tew says that Avalanche has been busy "bringing [Hogwarts Legacy] to life."

The statement from Tew doesn't necessarily mean that Hogwarts Legacy won't receive any DLC in time. That there are no current plans for Hogwarts Legacy DLC doesn't mean that Avalanche Software won't make plans soon. As Tew said, the studio has been busy, but now it has time to think about what's next. Hogwarts Legacy will still receive robust post-launch support addressing performance issues and quality-of-life problems, of course. And Avalanche Software is by no means disconnecting itself from its work on the Harry Potter franchise.

If Avalanche's decisions were related in any way to the ongoing controversies surrounding Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling or the Harry Potter franchise, it certainly wouldn't mention it publicly. But if Avalanche Software does end up entirely forgoing DLC for its game, it would be near undeniable that the controversies played a role in that decision. Major projects like Hogwarts Legacy, especially successful projects, rarely go without robust post-launch DLC.

The possibility of Hogwarts Legacy eventually getting DLC or an expansion certainly remains, of course. It's perhaps even likely, regardless of whether Avalanche Software takes issue with continuing to work on Harry Potter or not. Harry Potter remains a massively successful franchise even as J.K. Rowling's controversies stretch on, Hogwarts Legacy included.

Hogwarts Legacy is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

MORE: Hogwarts Legacy's Controversies Are The Sign Every Future Harry Potter Game Needs to Distance Itself From J.K. Rowling