
  • Hogwarts Legacy offers players a wide variety of powerful spells to choose from.
  • The Unforgivable Curses are as powerful as players may have expected, but many of the other spells that players can unlock are just as overpowered.
  • Creating good spell combos with these spells will allow players to absolutely bully all the enemies in Hogwarts Legacy

Hogwarts Legacy offers players the opportunity to cast a wide variety of strong spells and curses, many of which they may have encountered through the Harry Potter books and films. With this powerful magic at their fingertips (or wand tips) players can defeat the most dangerous wizards and beasts in the game. Even though their character starts as a Fifth Year, they can easily become one of the most talented wizards in Hogwarts.

Hogwarts Legacy: 9 Cool Spells Mods You Should Try

Players looking for something different in Hogwarts Legacy should try these nifty spell mods.

Some spells are much more powerful than others and can be far more useful in combat. When upgraded and combined with other spells to create combos, some spells can even become overpowered, allowing the player to rush through combat without breaking a sweat. Players looking to use the best spells in Hogwarts Legacy should read on to find out what each one can do and how to use them.

Updated June 3rd, 2024, by Aldous Foster: The spells in Hogwarts Legacy are all beautiful and powerful displays of magic, and none of them are particularly weak. However, to take on the most challenging parts of the game, players may want to narrow down the list of spells they use and go out of their way to find the absolute best of the best. With the right spells and the right spell combos, players can quickly take out entire groups of enemies with strong crowd control and damage. Whether players are entering the world of Hogwarts for the first time or are returning veterans, it always helps to know a few more spells, and as such a few more of the most powerful spells in Hogwarts Legacy have been added to this list.

12 Flippindo

Send Enemies Backflipping To Their Deaths

Hogwarts-Legacy-Flipendo spell

This jinx was originally introduced as a simple knockback spell for dealing with small enemies in the Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone video game. It may initially seem more useful in puzzle solving, as its lackluster damage and brief duration keep it from being too strong in combat. However, with the right upgrades it can become an extremely useful opening attack.

This spell can be one of the best ways to start combos on enemies, allowing the player to deal massive damage while they are helpless in the air. With the right talents, it can also cause enemies to be cursed, meaning that they take more damage. This makes Flippindo the fastest way to curse multiple enemies. The spell can be unlocked by completing quests for Mirabel Garlick.

11 Accio

Not Just For Finding Glasses

Hogwarts-Legacy-Accio spell

Accio is one of the foundational spells in Hogwarts Legacy and deserves a place simply due to how often players will find themselves casting it in puzzles and side quests. Unlocked through the Charms class, its utility in combat takes it even further.

Hogwarts Legacy: 7 Small Details That Make The Game Beautiful

Hogwarts Legacy is filled to the brim with small details that are sure to make fans smile.

Accio pulls the target to the player, who then can instantly cast Wingardium Leviosa to keep it suspended in the air for follow-up attacks. This can be great for dealing with pesky ranged enemies, drawing them to the player to be dealt with first. It is also a great opener for more healthy targets, pulling them in close and keeping them suspended so that the player can focus their highest damage spells on them.

10 Imperio

Turn Enemies Against One Another

Hogwarts Legacy Imperio spell

It may not be surprising for players to learn that the Unforgivable Curses are some of the most powerful spells in the game. Players can choose to learn Imperio during the 'In the Shadow of Time' quest. Imperio causes enemies to fight for the player and can also cause them to be Cursed.

Once upgraded, the enemies that the charmed target attacks are also Cursed, making it one of the easiest ways to spread Curse on large groups of enemies. This can then be combined with talents such as 'Blood Curse,' which causes all damage dealt to a Cursed enemy to be shared among other Cursed enemies. This allows players to quickly defeat any number of enemies as Imperio spreads the damage the player deals to every nearby enemy.

9 Expelliarmus

A Classic For A Reason

hogwarts legacy expelliarmus spell

Players wanting to role-play as Harry Potter should pick up this spell as soon as possible. Luckily, it is also extremely strong, which might explain why Harry loved using it so much. Expelliarmus can be picked up from Professor Hecat in Defense against the Dark Arts classroom.

This spell instantly disarms the target of any wand or weapon they are holding, meaning they must walk to it and collect it. In additon to preventing enemies from being able to damage the player, it can also be used to turn enemies' attacks against them. For example, disarming executioner enemies as they are casting their spells will cause the spell to backfire, and disarming Goblins or Protectors allows the player to throw their weapons back at them.

8 Diffindo

Highest Single-Damage Spell In The Game

Hogwarts Legacy Diffindo spell menu

Diffindo is a high-damage spell that can be learned by completing Assignments for Professor Sharp. It sends out a slashing line of bright light that has good range and can even pierce enemies, allowing it to deal damage to multiple enemies at once.

14 Hogwarts Legacy Characters Related To Harry Potter Characters

Longtime Harry Potter fans may have noticed that many of the NPCs in Hogwarts Legacy share a bloodline with characters from the books and movies.

The damage can be increased by freezing and stunning targets first, making it obliterate the health bars of even the toughest enemies. It is one of the best damaging spells in the game and is excellent for taking on the final boss.

7 Crucio

Excruciating Pain

Hogwarts Legacy Crucio spell menu

Crucio is another of the unforgivable Curses. Like the other two, it is incredibly powerful and strangely easy to use. It causes the target to experience extreme pain, leaving them unable to attack. This also causes them to take damage over time and Curses them, increasing the damage they take. It is unlocked by completing quests for Sebastian.

This makes it a great crowd control spell as it takes out an enemy for a decent duration. Having a way to quickly Curse a target can also be useful when combined with Curse talents, which allow the player to deal massive damage to groups of enemies.

6 Glacius

Freezing Enemies Can Be Even Better Than Killing Them

Hogwarts Legacy Glacius spell menu

Glacius freezes enemies in place, making it very useful for preventing an enemy from acting. However, where this spell truly shines is in setting up combos. Casting another spell on a frozen target massively increases the damage that the spell deals. This means that priming a target with Glacius and then using a high-damage spell such as Incendio or Diffindo is a great way to kill even the tankiest of enemies.

This makes Glacius the best control spell in the game as it does not just keep enemies distracted, but also increases the total damage the player deals. With the right upgrades, it can also deal some area-of-effect damage as shards of ice fly out from shattered targets, hitting nearby enemies. When exploring the most dangerous parts of Hogwarts Legacy, players should have this spell ready. To get it, players will want to complete assignments for Madam Kogawa.

5 Incendio

Set The Whole World On Fire

Hogwarts Legacy Incendio spell menu

Despite its short range, Incendio is an extremely powerful damage spell. It throws a wave of fire at the enemy, setting them alight and causing them to take damage over time. The burst of damage can be deadly when combined with other spells. It can be found by completing Assignments for Professor Hecat.

Combining Incendio with Glacio is a good choice, as it keeps them in place while the player closes the gap and increases the damage from Incendio even more. Accio is also excellent here, as it brings enemies into range before they are cooked. Taking the upgrades for both Accio and Incendio is a great way to deal with groups of enemies, as Accio will pull extra targets and Incendio will send a second wave of fire around the player, dealing damage to all nearby enemies.

4 Depulso

Sometimes Fall Damage Is Better Than Any Spell

hogwarts legacy depulso force spell

Depulso may seem like just a situational spell, given that it deals no direct damage and requires the player to throw enemies into other things. However, players who can keep mobile and stay aware of their environment can easily use this spell to instantly kill enemies by throwing them off ledges, or deal massive amounts of damage to them by hurling them into walls.

Although mainly used for puzzles, players should definitely consider taking this powerful spell into combat, as sending enemies flying off cliffs is extremely satisfying, and always funny. To cause a stronger effect, players can also cast Levioso or Accio first. The spell is unlocked through the main quest after Professor Sharp's first Assignment.

3 Bombarda

A Grenade In Spell Form


Sometimes, combat does not call for fancy spells and elegant wand movements. Sometimes, players just need to blow stuff up. This devastating magic can be learned by progressing with Professor Howin, and creates an explosive blast at an enemy's location. It deals great damage to a single target and any enemies near them.

To maximize its potential, players can cast an upgraded Accio or Levioso first to keep an enemy in place and increase the damage they take. This allows Bombarda to deal so much damage that it can one-shot many enemies. Also, explosive magic is just so much fun.

2 Transformation

The Most Embarrassing Way To Die

Hogwarts Legacy Transformation spell menu

Transformation may not seem that powerful at first, as it is simply another control spell. Although useful in puzzles, in combat it simply turns enemies into barrels. It does not move the target like Accio or increase the damage they take like Crucio or Glacius. However, with the right upgrades and combinations, this spell becomes one of the most fun and powerful ways of dealing with a group of enemies.

26 RPGs With The Most Impressive Customization Options

Some RPGs let players go crazy with their customization options. These are by far the most impressive.

Once turned into a barrel, any damage they take will simply return them to their normal form. However, casting a force spell such as Depulso on the barrel will instead send them flying into nearby walls, smashing the barrel and instantly killing the enemy. Even better, if the player takes the Transformation mastery talent, the barrel becomes explosive. When combined with the Ancient Magic Throw ability, turning an enemy into an explosive barrel allows the player to throw it at nearby enemies, dealing damage to several enemies and killing the original target. To unlock Transformation, players will want to complete Assignments for Professor Weasley.

1 Avada Kedavra

Is It Worth The Cost?

Hogwarts Legacy Avada Kedavra spell menu

It should come as no surprise that being able to instantly kill an enemy, no matter how much health they have, is very powerful. Although certain enemies are immune to this spell, and it has a long cooldown, it is still an excellent option for dealing with one very dangerous enemy as soon as possible.

It may not be the most heroic spell to use, but it is efficient and can be downright overpowered once the player takes Avada Kedavra Mastery. This causes the spell to also instantly kill any other enemies if they are Cursed. When combined with talents such as Stunning Curse or an upgraded Imperio, players can kill entire groups of enemies with a single casting of Avada Kedavra.

hogwarts legacy poster
Harry Potter: Hogwarts Legacy

February 10, 2023
Avalanche Software
Action , RPG